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Thread: Weeing in dams????

  1. #16

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    Reminds me of the Polish bloke who went to Chicago, got arrested for peeing in the pool! When he protested to the police "Everyone pees in the pool".. the cop replied..."Yep, but not from the top of the diving board!"

    Cmon mate, lighten up, siphon the python into a bucket or take a 2 litre milk carton with you in the boat and water the shore with it when you come in.
    By the way, wheres the pics? I like posts with pics, always interesting LOL
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  2. #17

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    Quote Originally Posted by minno View Post
    A friend once told me, 'Whays the point saying something funny if you don't think it's funny yourself?' This was in explanation to laughing at his own jokes.....Good one Minno, at least you think its funny!!! (not meaning to be rude btw)

  3. #18

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    You forgot to mention cattle, sheep,roos, deer etc deficating and urinating in our dams.
    I am sure that little bit of "extra" is not going to make one iota of difference.
    The water goes through purification processes long before we get to see it in our taps.
    Being an old timer I think today's people would shudder if they knew what we used to HAVE to drink when I was a boy in the country.
    I just say all of this carry on at present about water quality is a load of ****.
    Get over it!


  4. #19

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    LOL .Intresting thread.

    Outta curiosity :- Anyone ever fired a couple a torpedos from chute two into a dam?

    One of my m8's has come outta the bush on countless occassions with the sleeves ripped from his shirt after using them for clean up .But he never goes in the water.

    I reckon his entire wardrobe would be close to sleeveless now.

    Cheers B8.
    Last edited by Hardb8; 02-09-2007 at 01:32 PM.
    The underlying spirit of angling,Is that the skill of the angler,Is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish,And that the latter is entitled to an even chance for his life. Regards, Hardb8.Kickin tails and razin scales since 1979.

  5. #20

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    bring a coke bottle with ya next time and aim, shoot and fire

  6. #21

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    just go in the bottle why do we even have a bottle?

  7. #22

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    Yeah, lets all carry around a sample of our pee in a bottle to sit in the sun for 5 hours.....I'll pee in the dam thanks!!! BTW I have DEFINITLY NEVER done a poo poo over the side of a boat.....except once!!!lol are one sick man!!! Photos...

  8. #23

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    as the saying goes, its just a piss in the ocean

  9. #24

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    Its true, i travelled there with a doctor who had treated some cases. His description of the operation to remove the candiru still makes my 'nads flinch.

  10. #25

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    with everyone whinging about putting recycled water in the i always have a good chuckle to myself every time i have a wizz in a dam

  11. #26

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    I dont see a problem with pissing in the dams lets face it it cant be that bad

    But having said that i wouldnt snap one off in the dam that would just be wrong and to humiliating for me to cope with and i would wait until my return to shore to find a sh!t shute to use

  12. #27

    Re: Weeing in dams????

    Isn't urine sterile when it leaves the body??
    Don't people drink it without any problems??

    also, i believe, if nothing else is available, if you are in an isolated place & get a cut,graze etc that needs cleaning & you have no water available, it is quite safe to urinate on the wound to clean is that sterile..
    so, other than the obvious social problems i doubt it will do much harm, espescially as it has to go through purification before it gets into our scotch anyway..

    here ya go..
    Last edited by DR; 07-09-2007 at 10:49 AM.

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