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Thread: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

  1. #1

    Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    hey im wondering if theres anywhere you can get live shrimp for bait, and some that wont cost an arm an a leg

    also im located northside of brissy, and dont really want to go over the country side for them

  2. #2

    Re: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    Just get yourself a yabby pot. $3 each and throw them into the local creeks.

    should get plenty

  3. #3

    Re: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    Ben there is a redclaw farm up near Aratula who also sells live shrimp price is $30 per hundred. You have to buy at least 100. He does a delivery run every thursday and you order on mondays.He does give priority to his regulars so you may miss out sometimes. If he has to come to your place he will charge a little extra but if you can meet him at one of his other customers there is no extra charge.
    I usually buy 200 and keep them in a tank at home. They koop well for 2 to 3 weeks but tend to lose a fair few after that.
    PM me if you want his phone number.

  4. #4

    Re: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    sounds great ray, im taking they dont need much to be kept alive, some vegies, a pump/filter and some structure should be comfortable for them, pm sent also.

  5. #5

    Re: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    Ben I feed mine on crayfish pellets.They dont eat much and Rob says that you dont need to feed them if you are only keeping them for a couple of weeks. You do need an aeriator or you can get a small filter from Big W for around $18 that also injects air via a venturi. I just keep a piece of old onion bag in the tank for them to rest on. A large plastic storage container from crazy clarks makes a good tank to keep them in. Do NOT use water straight from the yap to keep them in. You can buy conditioner from the pet stores to dechlorinate the water or leave the water stand for a couple of days before using.
    I change about 25% of the water about once a week.
    Hope this helps yell out if you want more info.
    Last edited by rayken1938; 31-08-2007 at 07:51 PM. Reason: spellong

  6. #6

    Re: Live Shrimp, Where to Get 4 Bait?

    I am also curious about where to purchase some live shrimp and hoping someone could recommend someone on the northern side of Brisbane, or anywhere between Brisbane and gympie.


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