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Motor flushing?????
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Thread: Motor flushing?????

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Question Motor flushing?????

    Does anyone use any additives when freshwater flushing there motor after a hard day's fishing. If so what benifit have you found, or are they a waste of money . Look forward to your replies..

  2. #2

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    there is a few additives on the market, I have never worried about them though, I guess maybe if you live somewhere that has really bad water (like some dam or something) it could be of benefit, but I always just use the old "muffs" on the hose.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    there is a few additives on the market, I have never worried about them though, I guess maybe if you live somewhere that has really bad water (like some dam or something) it could be of benefit, but I always just use the old "muffs" on the hose.
    Thanx NOELM, yeah I just use the muffs as well, was talking to a couple of guys who use this stuff and was just curious to how popular it was .
    Cheers PT.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    I use the muffs after every trip out which on average is twice a month, a marine tech recommened to my mate to flush in a tank using septone acid wash every 2 years. Apparently they dilute acid in 400lts and recirculating for about 4hrs on idle. Never had it done myself.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    Hi guys,
    there is an excellent Volvo product (which I use in my stern drive) called neutra salt.......and like anything to do with boats it is an outrageous price . It is very good (as the name suggests at neutralising salt) and after just replacing my manifold riser gaskets can attest to its efficiency.......HOWEVER in the situation of flushing an ob I really wouldnt worry unless (as Noel M says) you were using crap water (actually dam water although maybe discoloured is 100 times better than bore water which is often of low quality). A lot of the yammys have a fitting which you can plug the hose into without running the engine and scaring your neighbours

    cheers, Mike

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member Ian1's Avatar
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    Re: Motor flushing?????

    there is an excellent Volvo product (which I use in my stern drive) called neutra salt.......and like anything to do with boats it is an outrageous price
    I think its more anything to do with Volvo has an outrageous price. I bet the price of the oil you put in the leg makes your eyes water. From memory the genuine volvo leg oil is about $90 a liter.

    Back to the subject, knowing volvo they most likley by the neutra salt off another company and rebrand it with an extra zero on the price. I use the saltex product in my volvo sterndrive and can vouch for it as well. I too have had the riser gaskets done and found very little corrosion. I would definitly recomend it for a stern drive as the risers can get very expensive if neglected.



  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member KGW3's Avatar
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    Re: Motor flushing?????

    I am currently using Labrador bore water to wash and flush the boat and wash the car. You can't drink it, but it looks clean and does a good job.,.. And it's got to better than salt. I usually spray inox into the water pump pickup and muffs so it ends up going through the cooling system. I dont think anyone really knows, but my logic is that it may put a lining on the water passages and lubricate the impeller.
    As the motor is always using cold to warm water and it never really gets hot enough to cook the inox or create a sludge , no harm would be done by using it.
    I did this for years on my old 1980 Blueband which was still running like new when sold in 2003.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    Hey Ian,
    thanks for your comments... Im with you about the rip off Volvo prices - they tried to sell me with the "genuine" spark plugs at $25 each (x8) ...I got NGK platinums for half this much. Where do you get this saltex....I am nearly out of neutra salt and would love to get another cheaper product. The Volvo synthetic oil is just Mobil 1 15w50 with $20 added for a 5L container....
    thanks again, Mike

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    Thanx for all your replies guys. This product called NUTRA SALT , surely good clean fresh water is the best salt neutraliser of any product on the market..

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Motor flushing?????

    I have heard of all sorts of stuff to use but never have. Just a good flush is all I have ever done. But I do look over some of these to see what they claim

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