Can somebody tell me what times of the year snapper are caught at Mud Is., do they go into summer and what happened to “Jacks at Wello” post, was someone telling porkys?
Can somebody tell me what times of the year snapper are caught at Mud Is., do they go into summer and what happened to “Jacks at Wello” post, was someone telling porkys?
All year round for the snap’s, but the bigger ones in the cooler months for the bay. Winter …
yeah something about the jacks didnt look right to me heres a good gps spot for mud Mud Island 2
8 m. Summer snapper.
27 20 173
153 13 791
"True Blue"
Who really knows the answer? You can't generalize and say winter is better or visa versa IMO. Snapper are affected by so many influences. If you said winter, I could throw a few variables that make summer the preferred time to catch a big snap, such as loads more jelly fish (yes I have caught snaps that spew jelly fish all over the deck as I remove the hook!) and more rain with summer storms to muddy the water. And we all know that clear water does not do you any favours, as have been the reports over the last few months.
I think two main influences are bait schools - where you find the bait you are also likely to find the snapper - and snapper spook very easily, especially in clear water - irrespective of the time of year in Moreton bay which may be different in other fishing grounds.
mud? right now. get into them before they go.
[quote=loophole;676001]yeah something about the jacks didnt look right to me
"True Blue"
gps spot is a dud probly
"True Blue"
not for me have got legal fish fom there only said it was a dud because nobody wanted to thank me for it.
"True Blue"
would be happy to share some more?
"True Blue"
Are! i see your point
Thanks loophole
no worries let me knoew if it produces
"True Blue"