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Thread: Winter Wash Up???

  1. #1

    Winter Wash Up???

    Hi all

    I reckon after all the post on the impoundment barra most of us that have not heard anything will be wondering what was the end result of the cold snap with the Barra impoundments:huh: so if anyone has any news or totals of the fished lost and replaced into the dams it would be appreciated .

    Cheers TT

  2. #2

    Re: Winter Wash Up???

    Bout 250-300 lost at Awoonga.
    Dam is recovering slowly and has been fishing well for some time.
    Water temps between 20-22 degree's for the past week.
    Smart thinking needed to find them, not obvious but as always effort will see results.

  3. #3

    Re: Winter Wash Up???

    G'day Tropicaltrout,

    Unsure how many were lost here at Tinaroo... a trip a fortnight back saw quite a few dead metre + fish which is pretty common in August (usually extremely cold). Water temps were hovering around 20 degrees in the good bays... elsewhere around 18. Id say a total of maybe 100+ fish may have been lost this winter, which is quite good considering the Dam endured nights of around -4 degrees. A mate of mine who lives in the Severin Arm said he recorded 13 frosts in a row which is rare for that area of the lake. We found fishing in the afternoon by far the best option when things are just that little warmer and the sun comes out. The weather of late has yet again gone sour... it was looking good for a few weeks but once again the incesant drizzle has struck. Few good fish landed of late mostly by trollers around the Dam wall.



  4. #4

    Re: Winter Wash Up???

    Cheers fellas I am sure most are wondering about the dams and the impact that the cold had on them and most of us die hards are always like to be kept in the loop so thanks for your info.


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