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Thread: test casting?

  1. #1

    test casting?

    Just wondering how many people do test casts after they do the static load test to determine guide placement.
    While I was on holidays I was using the rod I did at the RBW and noticed that I was getting some line slap on the blank. This is probably robbing some casting distance (how much I'm not sure).
    I didn't test cast it before I put the guides on.
    I'm going to tape another guide on and try it to see what difference it makes, but I guess if I had done that first, my placement may be slightly different on the rest of them
    Mind you it still chucks a bait a long way and the slap is not terrible. Just maybe it could be improved.

    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

  2. #2

    Re: test casting?

    Yep sure do.
    Luckily we have a big park down the road or I venture over to my brothers pontoon to have a chuck.
    My 1/2 nut is starting to show sign of getting bashed up.
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: test casting?

    Almost always especially when mixing guide types .Low riders and single foots or roberts wrap. Comparing distances down the local 3 footy fields joined end on end. 300 m .Wish i could cast that far.

  4. #4

    Re: test casting?

    Quote Originally Posted by grave41 View Post
    Almost always especially when mixing guide types .Low riders and single foots or roberts wrap. Comparing distances down the local 3 footy fields joined end on end. 300 m .Wish i could cast that far.
    Trust me he (and Ruben) do fire off test shots. You should see the nice decorations in the power lines
    I intend on living far so good

  5. #5

    Re: test casting?

    I have to admit that on some occasions I havn't, which is rather silly. Lucky for my guide placement was on the money.

    It also pays to experiment with the size of the stripper guide.

    A mistake there can cost you distance as well. Size does mattter!!!

    good luck r.


  6. #6

    Re: test casting?

    I do too, not just power casting either, flicking for accuracy etc, all gets down out in the street, aiming at letterboxes etc

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