Guido it's not negative critism it's positive critism over the negative treatment they inpart with zero justification, we today are believed to be very sophisticated and PC in treatment yet we have the most red necked rules/regs possible (even in fairlyland), the vast majority is based on no reasoning certainly not sustainability in any way.
10 years! try 1000 years if it were a true 10 years their regulations could be called conservational. The recreational take is so insignifcant it barely rates a mention in fishery management if they were honest over the state of play - the state of play is understood, it was when I was in fisherys conservation I cannot see that change it's very simple but hijacked by eco nazis (sp) under the umbrella of goverment self protection.
Warning! To anyone who fishes off Cairns, on Monday arvo we pulled a 10kg cobia from an area not far from Green Is, please decist all fishing activities with 1km sq of this area as now it must be certain danger of fisheries collapse or at least in need of repair as a result of this one fish, lucky we didn't bag out on these fish we would have ruined so much more of the reef for the future. The average rec fishing sustainable (by goverment regualtion) take has already been surpassed.- sorry.
cheers fnq