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Thread: fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

  1. #1

    fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

    In respect of the above, 13' Live Fibre blank, threadline, 8-10kg mono.
    Given the number of runners spreading the load, is it necessary to double overbind?

  2. #2

    Re: fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

    nope you would be wasting your much load in kgs per runner would you estimate to pop 10kg line?? 3kg i would guess at being the top load taken.

  3. #3

    Re: fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

    Thanks for that, I was hoping that would be the case!

  4. #4

    Re: fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

    as a general "rule" I do not double overbind Spin rods or overheads for less than about 10KG everything else is double over bound

  5. #5

    Re: fuji new guide concept - single or double overbind

    Thanks for your comment Noelm.

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