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Thread: Console Position

  1. #1

    Console Position

    Hi Guys

    My new boat is nearly ready to be picked up from the dealer i just a few small things to be added and all will be good.

    Im just wondering if there would be any issues putting the console on the left hand side rather then the right?
    Every console ive seen has always been in the middle or the RHS

    Im left handed and so mouting the control on the left side of the boat would suit me much better.

    The console and drivers seat are not right on the edge of the boat rather the rhs of the console will be on the center of the boat to help stop any lean when im one up.

    You can see the seating positions and console placement from the pix.

    Do you guys feel ill have any issuses with this setup

    What are your thoughts

    cheers Pete

  2. #2

    Re: Console Position

    I have a 5mtr Quintrex CC and the throttle control is set up on the left hand side of the console. Can't see any problem with your setup. If it suits you then go for it.

  3. #3

    Re: Console Position

    Thanks Foxy

    I only ask as i red somewhere recently that boats tend to naturaly lean to the left as the prop rotates clockwise.

    I wasnt sure if the console fitted on the LHS of the boat would add to this issue

    im hopeing that the console being mounted closer to the middle of the boat it shouldnt lean to much

    Cheers Pete

  4. #4

    Re: Console Position

    IMO if the length/engine weight/type of use of the boat allow, place the console as far to the rear and centre line as is possible/sensible. It's wetter/noisier but far nicer at the end of the day

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 26-08-2007 at 10:19 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Console Position

    which side fuel tank is on go opposite

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