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Thread: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

  1. #1

    Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    This wind and rain got a little old so I have just snuck back after 3 weeks on North Stradbroke to spend the weekend with my lil family. Since things are a little quiet heres a not so impressive to date round up.

    As the title suggests the bream have been thick around straddie both in the surf and around Amity with excellent quality amoung them. These are not my favorite fish especially in the surf but they have been providing a lot of feeds in the abscence of many dart and only 2 tailor caught during daylight, the best of which just made 50cm. Although not about in numbers the size of the dart have been good with most in the 40 to 45cm range.

    I go back tomorrow for my last week with fingers crossed that the swell lets me have a decent shot at the surf although it's looking touch and go for a few days yet.

  2. #2

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    Still a lot better than most have been doing given the conditions. Some nice Dart there. Plenty of spots
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  3. #3

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    Great little catch there mate, considering how horrible it has been lately.

    Well Done!

  4. #4

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    nice. wat u get the trevally on?

  5. #5

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    One more spot would be nice

    The big eye trevally came on a pike strip, the dart on pippis and the bream on half pillies, pike flesh and pippis.

  6. #6

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    I must be due for a holiday myself, getting amoung nice bream like this gets my appetite going!!



  7. #7

    Re: Bream Gazillion Tailor 2

    No holidays yet Scalem....... soon though mate. Promise you that

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