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Thread: Old gold or pure mould

  1. #1

    Old gold or pure mould

    My current ride ride is an 80s model 20' foot Bertram cuddy cab podded with a 98 200 Hp yamaha in perfect nic. Like many I've read the magazines about how many of these older deep v hulls are not far of the ride of newer boats . Goes well enough but i find these claims hard to believe. And yes its a bastard to trim.

  2. #2

    Re: Old gold or pure mould

    refer below
    Last edited by BM; 24-08-2007 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Old gold or pure mould

    With a pod (and I'll bet its not full depth) your boat performs only a small percentage of how a Berty 20 will REALLY perform in original trim with a low centre of gravity sterndrive fitted.

    They are one of the very best 20ft hulls ever built. 26 degrees deadrise, and around 900kg hull weight makes for a lovely riding boat.

    If its early 80's it can't be a Bertram as the Bertram 20's didn't go past the 165 straight 6 sterndrives. The Pride Bahia Mar 20 (the same boat but no reverse chine) took over from the Berty 20 (International Marine also owned Pride) and had the later 470 series sterndrive engines. There were no outboard models built.


  4. #4

    Re: Old gold or pure mould

    My limited understanding is they are the same boat with a different badge. Regoed as Berty,sounds better for some reason. Seem to have a bit of a following in the states as a Bertram " Moppie". If it floats it will do for a boat

  5. #5

    Re: Old gold or pure mould

    Ill be checking the chines in the morning. As always your knowledge shines,thanks BM

  6. #6

    Re: Old gold or pure mould

    Yes they are the same boat although the Bertram 20 has a reverse chine and the Bahia Mar does not. This change was made so that the hull could come out of a 1 piece mould rather than a 2 piece mould.

    Other than that they are identical. So owning either model would be equally as good, although the Berty model would be a little "drier".


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