Well it was a little blowy as it is at the moment but unpreterbed I headed of down to the creek that runs by Murry Sporting Complex here in Townsville to try my hand at SPs. I was using a light shimano rig with 10lb braid and for the SP I used a 3inch minnow gulp in pumpkinseed on a 5gm 2/0 round jig head.
After a shaky start and a snag in the tree across the creek and a re rig I scored a small estuary cod, then after about 10 min and and 2 incoming phone calls I hit the jack pot, A nice Barra,all though not quite legal size it was my first Barra for the season and for quite some time I have to admit. So to say i was stoked was and understatement, I think I now have a soft spot for SPs and will definetly be trying them out again.