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Thread: Brisbane Boat Show

  1. #1

    Brisbane Boat Show

    I hope to be heading into the Boat Show on Sunday 2nd Sept. As usual, I will head to the Fishing Expo site and catch our own Webby, do a talk on Moreton Bay Jew and another one on Moreton Bay options later in the day.

    There will many other Ausfisher's there watching and listening as usual.

    The Final weigh-in of the Bream Classic will also be held at about his time with 2 Ausfishers in the running for major prizes.

    Be sure to pop into the Bush'n'Beach stand and say G'day to some local fishing personalities as well as the editor Ben Collins.

    It is a great day for the whole family and a good way to catch up with a few Ausfishers.

    Below is the link to the site and also a detailed program for the Sundays events at the Fishing expo.

    Cheers phill

    Sunday 2 September 2007

    10:00 Berkley kids fishing show JasonEhrlich/JasonMedcalf

    10:45 Jew from Moreton BayBrian Webb

    11:30 Tournament tips for sounder success Jason Ehrlich

    12:15 Seafood preparation (Stefan Diacos) and
    gourmet chef cooking (Dominique Rizzo)

    1:15 Hinterland fishing at Hinze Dam Leeann Payne

    2:00 Moreton Bay fishing options Brian Webb

    2:45 Final weigh in-Brisbane
    International Boat Show Bream Classic Bill Corten / Simon Goldsmith

    3:30 Kayak fishing-basics to extreme success BLA/Stephen Tapp

    4:15 Shimano/Squidgy fishing show Dave Moss
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    heading in there Wednesday arvo/evening for a bit of a look around

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    Hope to make it along also and sell some raffle tickets for Coast Guard Redcliffe as well as have a look around.

  4. #4

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    I am going on Friday. In particular, I want to hear Jason Comino's lecture on Mud Island Snapper at 2pm.

    Jason is an awesome fisherman and delivers excellent lectures.

    I have learnt so much from these sorts of seminars but to some extent, I felt that the program this year has a bit of deja vu about it. Maybe I have seen too many of these shows in recent years.

  5. #5

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    Friday night will be the go for us, but also wanted to hear Webby on Sunday so will have to decide

    Hey Greg you taking the cheque book they may close the show early if you are going on Wednesday
    Peter :cool:

  6. #6

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    Geday Guys ,
    I'll be there all day Sunday & will be checking out both of Webbies talks .
    See you there .
    Searaider 2

  7. #7

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    I reckon that Boat shows are just the same old stuff 'rehashed" every year, there is very little really new or interesting stuff to look forward to, and then there is the Tackle sales stands full of crap that did not sell through the shops, at normal prices anyway, only go every second or third year now, but then I go to the Sydney show, just MAYBE brisbane is different (but I doubt it)

  8. #8

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    Sadly i have to agree with you there Noelm.... I am giving it a miss this year.
    Not enough time in the day, to many spots to fish!

  9. #9

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    I'll be there on Saturday selling VMR Jacob's Well Raffle Tickets.......


  10. #10

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    ill be there wed night and possibly another few days if i havent got anything to do, good connections = free entry

  11. #11

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    Yes Noel, you are on the right track there.

    I go to catch up with Ausfish members and usually hang around the " Fishing Expo " area so I can heckle Webby , Bill Corten and others from the sidelines.

    I have a gander at the latest from the EPA/ DPI areas and buy some raffle tickets to support the good ' marine ' causes about the area.

    I have had first hand experience of prices on tackle AND outboards being more at the show than at a " store " in the previous week. Even had a chart over $2.00 dearer than the same store on the same day. !!!

    Not too sure if the actual idea of the Boat Show is to sell you tackle and chandlery etc, but maybe to showcase the new boats and marine ideas. If one goes there with that in mind, then it probably isn't as bad as being disappointed in regard to prices on accessories. Although I must admit, one year there, a mate I was with got a great deal from Springwood Marine on a GPS and Sounder.

    So, if you're in the market for a boat, the Boat Show will have all the models within an easy walk to compare, then after the show you may wish to do the $'s thing.

    See you all there.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  12. #12
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    change of plans now..I am going solo on Wednesday and will have wife, daughter and grandson in tow on friday arvo/evening...looking for info on a new boat.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member Gill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    I will be heading in sometime with a mate to look at sounders and hopefully get a good deal for him. I went to the tinnie and tackle show to get my sounder and found it to be a great show to haggle in price with competitors, saved heaps of dollar. Hope the boat show offers the same. Haven’t been to the boat show for years and from what I remember not much tackle for sale.


  14. #14

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    yes I agree that it is a good time to see a lot of models at the same time without driving from dealer to dealer, but in general most are the same and you will usually get as good or better price later on, one year I was after a new small outboard for the tinny, after looking at variuos brands and getting prices I was not all that impressed to learn that they were cheaper at my local dealer than the "specials" at the show, so I got it from him the next week, and he even got a better deal on a motor that was on display at the show and offered at a special rate afterwards to the first dealer who wanted it.

  15. #15

    Re: Brisbane Boat Show

    I saw in the paper the other day that it costs $80K for a dealer to take a stand at the boat show. Gee, they have to sell a lot of stuff in a few days to make that up so it is no surprise that there are few "bargains" to be had there.

    With such a cost it is probably no surprise that some dealers are staging their own seminar nights. That last one that Leisure Marine held with Nugget as the MC was fantastic. In that case all of their chandlery was discounted by 30% which made it even better and very tempting to not go home with at least something. I still have the halogen light that I bought that night sitting on a table at home - must do something with it soon.

    They served a barbecue with real steak with sit-down tables. It was awesome. The speakers were excellent, including their own mechanic.

    I would gladly go to a few more events like the Leisure Marine show if the various dealers across town staged them - even if say, entry was a $5 donation to VMR on the night. I too am finding boat shows a bit same-ish from year to year.

    I ceased going to home shows, car shows etc many years ago because you did not see anything much different to what you saw at dealers and home display centres.

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