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Thread: Protection for electrical wiring etc

  1. #1

    Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Hi all,

    I will be taking my newish boat to Hinchenbrook for a week in September!!! Cant wait. I have rarly had it in the salt water yet. I want to spray all my electrical wiring, connectors, the bowmount electric motor and its foot pedal, sounder connections, ignition box, inside the motor, trailer lights and anything that is prone to corrosion with something to protect them all from the salt. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Even sugestions of what to avoid using on what would be very helpful too.

    I will attempt to wash it down after each day fishing...but a few beers....late trips......few more beers...I might not be totally motivated to be as thorough as normal!!!
    thanks in advance


  2. #2

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Gidday Steve
    Mate I reckon Lanox is as good if not better then anything else available.
    The stuff is amasing in my books.
    You can buy it in bulk and use a spray puffy bottle thingo.
    On the trailer light terminals I always bung a dollop of lanolin grease to ward off corrosion (if you can get to the terminals).
    That reels a ripper too by the way
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Thanks scott, I knew you would have good ideas about this subject. Theres no corrosion or rust on anything yet.....I want to keep it that way.

    I read in a previous thread INOX was good on reels. would this also do the job??

    Glad the reel goes OK. you will just have to get up this way and test it out on some big barra!!! Got myself a Zillion, TD advantage super tuned and an ABU REVO stx to replace the calcuttas and Abus!!! I told the wife they cost about the same!!!! hope she never finds out the truth!

    cheers steve

  4. #4

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Mate I had a look at the Revo stx on the week-end....woohoo
    How much drag could they pull??? 24lb or something stupid like that. And smooooth
    I might have to save some biccies first though
    What's the Zillion like??
    I intend on living far so good

  5. #5

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    I have had good sucess with INOX and Lanotec on trail bikes when doing a berach ride.. The lanolin sprays on in a much thicker goo, which would probably stick where it's wanted more than the inox.

  6. #6

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Forgot to add Steve...the inox is great too but the bit of lanolin added into the Lanox or Lanotec or others seems to stick better then just straight inox.
    I wouldn't use the lanox on reels though because of that built in 'stickiness'
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #7

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Thanks Hamish and Scott,

    I think you guys have hit the nail on the head. I might use the Inox for the under consoles electrics etc (which dont cop direct salt exposure) and Lanox for all the other exposed stuff.

    Scott, The Revo STX has 12kg of drag and I cant tell you for a fact it pulls hooks on bigger barra in timber with full drag!!! I have to back the drag off to about 3/4 or so. The Zillion is the sexiest piece of gear I have ever used!, the drag isnt as powerful but its still 5 or 6 kg I believe,Plenty enough!! It looks and casts like a million bucks!! $300.00 to my door off EBAY (reputable dealer too!!) Tackleworld in Bundaberg has the REVO STX for $225.00!! which is the cheapest I have found anywhere.

    Thanks for the advice on corrosion. I hate salt water....but I love the fish that live in it!!

    cheers steve

  8. #8

    Re: Protection for electrical wiring etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    Scott, The Revo STX has 12kg of drag and I cant tell you for a fact it pulls hooks on bigger barra in timber with full drag!!! I have to back the drag off to about 3/4 or so. The Zillion is the sexiest piece of gear I have ever used!, the drag isnt as powerful but its still 5 or 6 kg I believe,Plenty enough!! It looks and casts like a million bucks!! $300.00 to my door off EBAY (reputable dealer too!!) Tackleworld in Bundaberg has the REVO STX for $225.00!! which is the cheapest I have found anywhere.

    cheers steve
    My 4" Alvey is having palpitations at the moment just thinking about those stats. and what should be expected of it now after just playing with the revo and seeing those drag figures
    Actually the Revo isn't that bad price wise is it??MMmmmmm rates aren't due just yet
    I intend on living far so good

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