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Thread: yalta odessa whats it worth

  1. #1

    yalta odessa whats it worth

    HI everyone,I am looking at a yaltacraft odessa615 , 1989model with a 115 honda 4st 2003 model with 120hrs.It has new hydrolic steering and a brand new trailer.Lots of extras such as colour sounder ,gps.All good condition.Would anyone have any idea what it is worth ,and any problems that I should look for .Look forward to hearing from you.SLACKY

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    G'day slacky,

    I know a fella who bought one,but it was,I think,a 03 or 04 model with low hours 150 opti on the back for mid 40's.
    I feel it might be a tad underpowered with a 115 4 stroke.Take it for a run and see how it performs first of course..

    Should also have added that he bought it through a dealer,Immaculate condition,he liked it so he just paid what was asked!


    Last edited by disorderly; 18-08-2007 at 10:29 AM.

  3. #3

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    scott the name of the boat you are talking about,would it be called reel work

  4. #4

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth


    I think from memory you can buy the 615 new for about $43,000. with a 115 4/s yamaha on it.
    That comes with bimmi top, rocket launchers, cheep combo gps/sounder and i think a couple of other things.
    I have the 555 yalta with the 115 4/s yamaha on it and it does the job fine but would be better with bigger h/power. So i am saying you need to go bigger than 115 or i think you wouldn't be happy, bigger boat, more weight.
    Hope this helps you.

  5. #5

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth


    I know what your saying,but I need to get somthing bigger,and if the price is right I can upgrade a bit later.I know the boat and it has been looked after,with lots of late extras. whats it worth? slacky

  6. #6

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    Have you got the year or model numbers mixed up? In 1989 they were probably called the Odessa 2000 (as in 20 feet, approx 6 metres)

    Have you got a couple of photos of the boat?

    Someone may have fitted new (incorrect) stickers. The older models had (i think) 6 clinker slats on the side of the hull. The newer ones are all smooth with maybe 1 slat.

    If its the 2000 or 615 model, a 115hp would sound a little underpowered to me, but take it for a drive. You would still get a reasonable trade in on that motor I would assume.

    They also did make a model called the 189 Odessa and Daycab. They are in fact about 5.3metres long contradictay to the model number.

    Last edited by fishingrod; 18-08-2007 at 08:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    Quote Originally Posted by slacky View Post
    scott the name of the boat you are talking about,would it be called reel work
    Slacky,I dont recall seeing a name on the side.
    The boat was bought on consignment through a dealer in Cairns about a year ago and now resides in Bingil Bay near Mission Beach.
    So what sort of dollars are they asking for the one you are looking at?


  8. #8

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth


    Thanks for the great questions.Know you have got me thinking.Will let you know next week


    I don't know how much,the owner is getting a valuation next week.

  9. #9

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    Here is a 80's model 2000 Odessa

    Here is a early-mid 90's model 2000 Odessa,with black antifoul paint on the bottom) Note that the window perspex on the earlier models can be changed to make it look like a this model) Im not sure what other unique factors there are to identify this model.

    Here is the more recent 615

    I will PM you a link to a web site with various Yalta tests


  10. #10

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    I sold my 03 615 odessa with a 200hp Yamy 4 stroke 8 months ago for $44k. I think that the 115 on the back will be a bit underpowered.


  11. #11

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth


  12. #12

    Re: yalta odessa whats it worth

    ron how did u find it? why the sale. i thought 150hp would be fine.
    the dealer on gpld cost only have evenrude. i would prefer optimax.


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