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Everyone else knows something we dont???
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Thread: Everyone else knows something we dont???

  1. #1

    Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Went for a fish this morning at Green and then wello. Couldnt manage even a bite at green. Landed one small crab and a large one got away inches from the net. Then went to wello, but it was only bait fish attatcking out bait over there. The bay was almost empty, with only 2 other trailers at manly when we got back at 8:30 which is something I've never seen before on a saturday morning.
    Everyone else obviously knew not to bother. Was it the tide? the moon or the weather forcast??

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Maybe its because of this filthy flu i'm laid up with just dont feel like doin anything at the moment maybe a week in hervey bay will fix it matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member wadeo's Avatar
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    At least ya got out on the water i guess. The old saying (THATS FISHING) If i went today i would have targeted late morning through to sun down.


  4. #4

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Initial weather forecasts were for crap weather both Saturday and Sunday which may have spooked a few. Was chatting to the guys at the boating yard where my little tinny is undergoing a prop rebush and the guys there were all putting their fishing trips off this weekend because of the predictions. Just goes to show you that you cannot put too much faith in the weather bureau. Woke this morning and thought it would have been great to get out. Oh well, will be plenty of times to head out once I get the boat back from the repair shop.



  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member juju's Avatar
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    I blame the government, us stockmarket, global warming,watertanks, tides, moons, wind, rain, sport,.........
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  6. #6

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Yeah hamish your right,,, somthing was a bit "fishy" on the offshore scene this morning.
    Yeah it was saturday and as I was fishing off the south-port sand pumping jetty I noticed it was very quiet as in the boats,,, I cast my mind back one week exactly and saturday morning was absolute chocka block offshore, boats everywhere,before it got light I could see the horizon was dotted with flikering lights from boatie's,,, today at the jetty the weather wasnt so kind,,a fresh onshore wind and a bit more swell could have put peep's off,,,, the tailor were still being pulled at the jetty but I didnt see anything worth crowing about,,, the 1 I managed only just scraped in at 35cm and the group of blokes 15 meters away were pulling in the same,, poor me had to scarper at about 6.45 as the mrs had to go to work so I only got about 1 1/2 hrs in btu still managed a feed,,,1 tailor one 25cm whiting and a bloody baby ray of all thing' ray went back but!!!!


  7. #7

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Quote Originally Posted by juju View Post
    I blame the government, us stockmarket, global warming,watertanks, tides, moons, wind, rain, sport,.........
    good on ya juju... a reply like yours sort of tells me you'd be a beaut drinking buddy!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    We were just chasing winter whiting out of Shorncliffe and off Nudgee Beach. Only 2 other boats there and only a handfull of trailers a the ramp. Very quite for a Saturday we thought. Got a few whiting though. Glassed out first thing this morning. C&C

  9. #9

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    cheer guys, now time for the stupid question.
    I've heard the saying 'no run, no fun'
    Any thruth to it? and as far as bay fishing goes, is a falling tide or a rising tide prefered?
    Is it a waste of time fishing on either a high or a low (like it was this morning)

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    I agree with Juju All as quoted as well as the Flu

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish73 View Post
    cheer guys, now time for the stupid question.
    I've heard the saying 'no run, no fun'
    Any thruth to it? and as far as bay fishing goes, is a falling tide or a rising tide prefered?
    Is it a waste of time fishing on either a high or a low (like it was this morning)

    I haven't fished the Bay all that long but I've found some places fish on the run-in-tide and others on the run-out. The better fishers (not me) seem to move spots from one tide change to another to make a day of it. Some of the people I know in the area have been fishing since they were 10 years old in a tinny in the Bay. Experience is everything. What chance have we got against them, but don't you love just being out there.

  12. #12

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Bloody flu I have had this for 7 weeks now

    I am just starting to feel better.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Gee thanks dug that gives me something to look forward too mate i am going to hervey bay in 3 weeks so it better be gone buy then ...matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  14. #14

    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    Only one trailer at Pinkenba at 5am. Few boats fished the mouth where there is dirtier water, but we headed back up a bit and find some fish when security wasnt chasing us away I have found Wello to fish better on a run in tide, with high around 10am. But thats me
    We really need some rain. A good flush will do everything great.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
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    Re: Everyone else knows something we dont???

    I was fishin those spots 5 weeks ago and they were full of fish but i think now it is full of kids and some still in nappy,s so i have had to move to other areas but i have more luck at sun down not sun up with plastics and the ingoing tide pulls the fish back into your fishy spot. Oh and the moon was crap toon sat.\ Cheers.

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