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Thread: Somerset - First Time

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member jackson4300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Somerset - First Time

    well last wednesday had the day off due to the ekka ( what a waste of money) so with our new boat, well new to us but second hand, headed to somerset to see if we couldn't try our hand at some freshwater.
    Being our first time we had exactly no idea what we were doing, wel a little but still not much. Put the boat in at kirkleigh i think it was with a not so nice wind of about 10 knots.
    Took some redclaw pots but to no avail. Started off throwing some sp's around for about 2 hours with only a bony bream being jagged.
    Started trolling and testing out the new elctric motor which works great. Trolled a rmg scorpian and a jackall which had fluro green ontop and a red underneath. The jackall got 3 yellow bellys in about 15 minutes, 39, 42.5 and an unknown as was dropped boat side.
    They were picked up at Queens Street i think, not sure as dam looks alot different to maps as there seems to be alot more islands appearing
    Kept going, picked up a bass about another hour later, which was about midday, it went 43 and was caught on a green plastic being trolled. Couldn't urge anymore from the school but a few more hits.
    Went back to queens Street (or what we thought was queen street) to tie up to an exposed stump and flick some more sp's around. By now the wind had picked up to about 15knots.
    Got one more yellow belly on the same jackall that went 44.
    Over all was an alrite day, considering first time really and conditions.
    But the pick of lure for the day was the fluro green and red jackall, tried every lure and sp we had that was similar in colour and shape but the yellowbelly only took a liking to the jackall whie the bass took to the green paddletail.

  2. #2

    Re: Somerset - First Time

    Not too bad for your first visit, I remember many a fishless journey back to Brisbane before getting the hang of Bass Fishing.
    Never was brave enough to troll Jackalls but did alright with plastics attached to a beetle spin.

    Regards Cameron.

  3. #3

    Re: Somerset - First Time

    great session,

    any pics on the yellas mate

  4. #4

    Re: Somerset - First Time

    Quote Originally Posted by jackson4300 View Post
    well last wednesday had the day off due to the ekka ( what a waste of money) so with our new boat, well new to us but second hand, headed to somerset to see if we couldn't try our hand at some freshwater.
    Being our first time we had exactly no idea what we were doing, wel a little but still not much. Put the boat in at kirkleigh i think it was with a not so nice wind of about 10 knots.
    Took some redclaw pots but to no avail. Started off throwing some sp's around for about 2 hours with only a bony bream being jagged.
    Started trolling and testing out the new elctric motor which works great. Trolled a rmg scorpian and a jackall which had fluro green ontop and a red underneath. The jackall got 3 yellow bellys in about 15 minutes, 39, 42.5 and an unknown as was dropped boat side.
    They were picked up at Queens Street i think, not sure as dam looks alot different to maps as there seems to be alot more islands appearing
    Kept going, picked up a bass about another hour later, which was about midday, it went 43 and was caught on a green plastic being trolled. Couldn't urge anymore from the school but a few more hits.
    Went back to queens Street (or what we thought was queen street) to tie up to an exposed stump and flick some more sp's around. By now the wind had picked up to about 15knots.
    Got one more yellow belly on the same jackall that went 44.
    Over all was an alrite day, considering first time really and conditions.
    But the pick of lure for the day was the fluro green and red jackall, tried every lure and sp we had that was similar in colour and shape but the yellowbelly only took a liking to the jackall whie the bass took to the green paddletail.
    what sort of electric did yous buy im in the process of getting one my self not sue what to buy

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