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Thread: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

  1. #1

    Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    As most of you would be well aware, on any given weekend, when the forecast is favourable, all boat ramps from Bribie Island to Mooloolabah are ridiculously overcrowded.There are trailers for hundreds of metres, in all directions in any space available on the roads around these ramps.This problem is compounding daily with new interstate arrivals and people getting into boating for the first time.If the ramp situation is ridiculous now,what's it going to be like in 5 years time, or 2 years for that matter .Its only going to be a matter of time until someone trips on one of these trailers occasioning harm, or some accident because of a trailer legally on a roadway,or footpath before this public liability thing raises its ugly head.Then we'll have those charming little chaps going around writing tickets to there hearts content.

    We all know of impatient people at the ramps which has been well documented, but what is the solution? Do we have to wait until there is a ramp rage incident where someone gets stabbed or something to get better facilities,or do we have a launch time similar to golf with there tee off time,joking of course, but if things keep going the way they are,who knows?On most ramps there are no pontoons, shitty lighting for security, and this seems to be par for the course.What we need are some huge new ramps with great facilities,obviously,but where???Where would be the right place on the coast to put them as land is a scarcity.One solution for the Caloundra area is to widen right out that bottom ramp,dredge it and make it usable for bigger boats,knock down all that bush and do it right the first time. Then of course make a suitable breakwall at the Caloundra bar,similar to Mooloolabah, yeah I know wishful bloody thinking,but what's the alternative??

    What's your take on it,ideas,solutions. Expressions of interest required
    Last edited by fishing111; 15-08-2007 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Move to somewhere quiter ?


  3. #3

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by CQHORNET View Post
    Move to somewhere quiter ?


    2ND that...move to somewhere like problems with over crowding down here..


  4. #4

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by CQHORNET View Post
    Move to somewhere quiter ?

    Shit I was waiting for a reply like that, never expected it so fast though Well lets say for agument's sake that your staying put, hows the wording now. Im sure Tassy nice Snelly, but i can't afford a boat like yours to stay warm

  5. #5

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Only go out when the weather is crap??

  6. #6

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by paul251 View Post
    Shit I was waiting for a reply like that, never expected it so fast though Well lets say for agument's sake that your staying put, hows the wording now. Im sure Tassy nice Snelly, but i can't afford a boat like yours to stay warm
    Does it help if your at the ramp really early ????There would be no need to buy a boat if you moved down my way...i am sure we could find room for you on our boat...we are always looking for extra people to jump on..the more the better I reckon..

    Cheers Mick

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Even my small local local ramp has parking problems on good weather weekend days and school holidays.
    I dont fancy leaving my boat bouncing around on the ramp while I have to walk 100-200 metres to park the trailer so i do what snelly suggests and leave early and often return after dark.
    I've had trips where I have not seen another human the whole day.


    PS I cant really see that new mega ramp facilities would be high on the priority list for councils and state gov't when they can barely provide SE QLD with water.

  8. #8

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    hi all,
    with what we pay in our boat rego (qld) we should have very good facilities. i wonder how much is actually spent on ramps etc, not much by the condition of some.

    if serious about addressing ramp rage etc the dpi&f should include a ramp ettiquite sheet in rego's from time to time. this may help everyone get on a bit better
    heard on the grapevine (?? truth) that the corner block that everyone parks on at the spinnaker ramp (bribie) is soon to be developed, that will really make things interesting.

  9. #9

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by snelly1971 View Post
    2ND that...move to somewhere like problems with over crowding down here..


  10. #10

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by paul251 View Post
    Shit I was waiting for a reply like that, never expected it so fast though Well lets say for agument's sake that your staying put, hows the wording now. Im sure Tassy nice Snelly, but i can't afford a boat like yours to stay warm
    Not many boats down sneellies way like the one he is getting, most are 12-16 foot open tinnies

  11. #11

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    to beat any crowds around my way, you need to launch about 1 hour before daylight, even then, on a Sunday, there will be a lineup of some sort, if you can get someone to drive the car and you get in the boat, drive to the water, unhook and drive off and then just motor around the Harbour, River whatever, it makes it so much easier.

  12. #12

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    its like doing any popular activity these days. There is always a crowd at footy, do u stay at home because of this? go to all the theme parks, big lines of people. even takes ages just to go to the local shops. unfortunatelly just have to be patient, and i would travell a little further to a ramp with sandy beach if iam by myself. somewhere to leave boat for few minutes.
    There is no way heaps money going to be spent building new ramps, so iam sorry we will just have to grin and bare it.
    prob have to ban knives at ramps. think thats getting little desperate.
    I have been putting boats in for many years and also get little frustrated sometimes, but i can honestly say that i have never seen any voilence.


  13. #13

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    apparently by Nugget's post//50 mill to be spent..will believe that when it happens

  14. #14

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    Leave at 3am, bagout by 6am and get home before the crowds gather.


  15. #15

    Re: Overcrowded Boat Ramps..Solutions?

    1) get a job that means you can go fishing weekdays
    2) get a waterfront property with your own ramp/pontoon
    3) go really early in the morning or late at night
    4) move to somewhere quieter

    I think only options 1 and 3 are realistic for me...

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