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Thread: How Big ???

  1. #61

    Re: How Big ???


    Mind boggling fish there mate !!

    What does your big Jewie and Jessica Simpson have in common ??????



  2. #62

    Re: How Big ???

    on ya Brian ..... that will put some bums on seats at the boat show


  3. #63

    Re: How Big ???

    true. iam going and want to hear all your secerts about catching the big one webby lol
    "True Blue"

  4. #64

    Re: How Big ???

    webby what a fish mate. i bet your arms would of been pumpen after that. well done.
    i dont know how big 25 kg maby............ u tell me haha

    cheers davo
    Last edited by shorty 01; 27-08-2007 at 09:39 PM.

  5. #65

    Re: How Big ???

    awesome. so good to see more and more of us letting these big fish go. such a buzz i bet.congrats!.

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