Mates wife with one she picked up at cania. Levi with a little cania toga
Mates wife with one she picked up at cania. Levi with a little cania toga
When the wife said i could get a lab i think she meant a dog.
LABSPORT XT 200H.O. etec
Mungkan Kandju - Cape York
I finally get to add some fish here
all caught at Borumba over the last 2 weeks
Borumba 63cm Toga.jpg .. Attachment 52337 .. Attachment 52335
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Some nice fish there Chris. I went to a normally productive spot about two weeks ago up here in CQ and the only toga we saw and caught were juveniles. We were working on the theory that the larger fish where breeding or carrying young although that does not seem to be the case at Borumba. The sooty grunter made up for it though.
Attachment 52341
Hi all nice little Borumba toga they go good on light line
A few togas (jardini) taken from the magical Goose Creek, Melville Island.
My best from borumba was a 79cm fish on a home made scrubber head fly.
Yaamagarra (hello) all.
Here are some pics from many dreamtimes ago........(prior to the grey hair and permanent laugh lines I sport today!)
These Togas were caught in the beautiful and pristine Dawson river, Q. Great camping area too!!!!
The water was sooo clear, we were 'sight fishing' - pickin out the ones we wanted to try and catch!!
One of my best wild river fresh water fishing experiences ......they put up a great fight, and all were taggged and released.
Gotta get back there one day............. *daydream*
Saratoga 1.jpg saratoga 2.jpg
Sight casting in Denison Creek near Nebo on an rdo..
These pics are probably my favourites of the ones I've caught.
Holroyd October 07 058a.jpgtoga1.jpgtoga2.jpg
No it doesn't unfortunately. This was caught up the cape somewhere.