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Repainting Tinnie Query
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Thread: Repainting Tinnie Query

  1. #1

    Repainting Tinnie Query

    G'day all, I'm thinking about repainting my tinnie as it's pretty scratched up on one side, I was going to remove all stckers,rub back, respray than put some better graphics on it, My question is what sort of paint should I be using and what sort of price tag should I expect ? Any advice on this project would be greatly appreciated.
    Cheers TT
    Curvy live

  2. #2

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    grant,,,, undoubtably you have seen the reno i'm doing on mine and this question was raised in the early stages of the job,,,,

    i spoke to the owner of paint city in currimundi,,,,(a few doors down from where i'm based at work),,, he advised that he had recently undergone a paint job on his 15 footer in enamel,,,,,,

    i thought about placing a 2 pac job on it through our paint/panel man,,,, but this bloke insisted that for what i'm using it for,,, why go to the expense,,,,,and adamantly wanted me to go around and see his boat,,,

    gotta tel ya,,, it still looked good,,, after 18 MONTHS,,, on the water each weekend nearly

    so i thought,,, nothing ventured nothing gained

    preparation is the key i think however,,,, i gave mine a thorough scouring ( the old paint believe it or not was simply enamel also) and liberal coats of etch pro

    once happy,,, 3 layers of black midnight,,, with one more to go

    the paint had a squirt of additional hardener,,, but that was all,,,

    i was going to apply a sealant,, but have changed my mind here as i don't think it needs it

    if you need a hand with the painting etc etc let me know,,,, i'll be tinkering with mine over the next few weeks so i'll be home bound for awhile

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #3

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    Thanks Choppa, I was just about to PM you to ask you what you used.
    Cheers Grant

  4. #4

    Smile Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    hi guys.what size is your tinny and age ,can give you a rough idea how much

  5. #5

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    It's a 3.9 quintrex, 1994 model.

  6. #6

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    Hi TT, make sure you take note when taking the stickers off. The silicone in the glue can spread onto a large surface and this will stop the paint sticking properly (Can really screw the job up) Use a razor to get them off and use thinners to clean the surface thoroughly before hitting anything with wet and dry paper.

    As Choppa said preparation is the key, if your only 90% happy at undercoat stage, get it right(rub back or what ever) and go another coat so your 100% happy before you think about using the paint of your choice. If the enamel gets eggshell on it dont worry too much a good buff will cut it out.

    Cheers Chris
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #7

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    i would got 2 pac. Auto 2 pac is just fine. If you go to the troble of all the prep work why do in enamel, even if u do put bit hardener in it. That will help it maintain its gloss bit longer but will not outlast 2 pack. Can pick up 4 litres white for $120, 2 lit hard $50. Epoxy pimer if need to fill scratches. 5 litre pac $70.
    If dont need the fill just single pac etch it. 4 litres $50.
    thinners, $30
    that should do it. the rest is up to u and the painter. I know the costs cause i sell it.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    Wattle poly u 400 with super etch and citra force to get rid of sticker gum.One litre off etch prime will do a boat your size mate.Dan.........

  9. #9

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    Quote Originally Posted by Seahorse View Post
    i would got 2 pac. Auto 2 pac is just fine. If you go to the troble of all the prep work why do in enamel, even if u do put bit hardener in it. That will help it maintain its gloss bit longer but will not outlast 2 pack. Can pick up 4 litres white for $120, 2 lit hard $50. Epoxy pimer if need to fill scratches. 5 litre pac $70.
    If dont need the fill just single pac etch it. 4 litres $50.
    thinners, $30
    that should do it. the rest is up to u and the painter. I know the costs cause i sell it.

    greg,,, i agree with your comments re 2 pac,,,, it certainly does outweigh longetivity of the job,,,,, but if $ are short

    1 litre of black midnight cost me $23
    2 litres of etch pro cost me $ 30
    1 litre of acetone $8

    spray equipment standard compressor/gun i own,,,,and picked an early morning with no wind to splash it on

    2 pac needs a booth,,,, additional cost

    not throwing mud cause 2 pac was the way i was heading with my reno,,,,, but as stated above,,, i had to try it out as the tinny is a 92 model with original red paint in enamel,,,,, looked fine for its age,,, so i thought why not

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. #10

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    hey choppa.
    no probs mate. if u ever do it again see me for paint. i will look after ya. hope it all works well.


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    wattyl polyu 400 was an awesome product, didnt know they still made it. all the better if they do. where do ya work seahorse, that expoxy primer at that price is a bargin, what brand is it? im using nason ful-base atm its around $220-$250 for an 8litre pack. can you wet on wet the epoxy you sell?



  12. #12

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    hey sprayin enamel with enamel add is the same as spraying 2k and is illegal although can be done in the right conditions and the job would be alot better in poly u. i have painted a few boats one in sterling marine the other in debeer automotive but through experience wattyl poly u would be the product id use. i do this for a livin so if u need any advise send me a message enamel would be alright for the type of boat u describe but it all comes down to $

  13. #13

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    hey lippa
    u cant get poyu400 any more, they changed its name to polydur or something like that. poly u 400 was ok.
    the epoxy primer i got is hichem. we use it in the industrial market, wet on wet ok. its 4:1. we stock all auto and industrial.
    cheaper 2 add 2 pac hard at same rate as enamel add, 16:1. does same job.
    i would rather use auto 2:1 than wattyl 4:1.
    just my opinion, finish is little better.


  14. #14

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    HI .There are many procedures to paint a tinny and paints available ,The proper way for bare alloy is firstly is key the suface with 80 grit then alloy wash hull,
    allogold wash(corrosion treatment) then a wattle 4 to 1 etch is applyed,after 24 hours a light sand with 240 grit paper then sikaflex all joints till dry.
    Three coats of marine polyurathane with linear shoud be applyed .A tinny these size done by a marine boat painter will cost around $ 660inc.( bare hull)
    I hope this can help you out

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Repainting Tinnie Query

    at $660 even i wouldnt even paint me own boat!!!!!
    dam thats cheap

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