After a pleasant and reasonably successful stay at Iluka a couple of weeks ago I decided to have another go while the cold weather is still with us. This trip was just as enjoyable but less successful from the fishing point of view. For the whole week the seas were just about dead calm, the water incredibly clear and, as a result, the rock, beach and estuary fishing was quite difficult. I fished my various favourite locations across the dawn and dusk each day and tried a few spots for niggers during the daylight and bream at night. The most successful location was the main breakwater which produced reasonable bream numbers (but not much in quality), some solid niggers and the odd tailor. Plenty of niggers were visible along the wall, but the clear water usually made them difficult to approach. I got many lovely pictures of sunrises and sunsets since the fishing action was usually pretty slow. Still, another great week at one of my favourite places!
Cheers Freeeedom