Headed out early this morning with russ (russ81) to see if we could pick a few snapper on the placcies. With the deeper water in the shipping channels around moreton and the curtin producing some good results over the last last 2 weekends, hope where high of landing a few nice snaps. We slipped the boat in at manly at 5:30ish and head for a quick stop at harries. Quiet few drifts later with no fish being boat we decided to head straight up to moreton. Upon arrival we quickly sounded the area to find the fish and started a few drifts to see if we hook any of those snaps we had come for. Action was slow and a few littlies came aboard but things weren't looking promising. Then at about 9:30ish something big finally picked up the placcie and took off. The 4lb bound braid screamed off the reel and I was quickly down to the backing. Slowly but surely the fish tired and shortly there after a nice snapper was guided to the boat and netted. It pulled up at 63cm...not a bad start we thought. The we continued our drifts. We drifted and worked the placies for the next 4 hours trying a few different spot but to no avail. They were there on the sounded but it was like someone flicked a switch we couldn't get to take anything. We ended up calling it a day and ran home to manly in glassed out conditions stopping briefly at the 4 beacons to see if their was anything about.
Cheers Chris
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