Ray mate... Good on ya for reeling in the bream while the placcie flicker's lost out.
I also like to bait up and haul breamies',, tried this soft plastic thing but dont really like it too much, I rekon the old saying is true,,,"if the fish aint there you cant catch em" no matter what you use. I'll be honest and say my fishing has been quiet the last 2 time's ive been out (land based) but I like to fish real early in the morning and catch the sun up fish!!!! will be trying this arvie thing soon but have to time it with a family picnic or bbq down the goldie!!
Hey ray....man!!!!!.... how the heck did you reel in a luderick,, I thought they liked that weed stuff and didnt take flesh bait's... I seen shcools of them around the sand pumping jetty pylon's on friday morning and most were about 1-2 foot long... bloke's were trying to catch em with all sort's of bait but they got nothing,,,,I even had a shot and managed to place some yummy bonito chunks right in front of thier nose but na na na the fish said and swam straight past!! bloody ludericks....pahhhh!!! (must get some of this green or black weed i think it is)