Hi All,
We have a 4.6m Tinny with a 40hp 83 model Suzuki motor 2 stroke. No the problem is that when we first got it, it was great. We had for people in it and it jumped out of the water with no problems what so ever and cruised at about 40kph. Then we noticed that the head gasket was cracked and got a mobile marine mechanic out and no it is crap.
After that we went to go fishing and got four people in it and we were sitting on about 22kph we don't understand. There isn't much weight difference between the people we had in it. As we were crusing along we were playing with the motor and they would touch some wire which would make the boat do about 30kph but it still doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem the motor is reving hard enough. It won't get on the plane now. And now we can't get the marine mechanic out. ANY IDEAS WE ARE STUCK