Just a bit of info just in case some of you are headed out on the weekend, yesterday morning i hit the river and tried the wall and the channell dropoffs for nil, headed out to western side of mud for 2 squire 36 and 37cm, then tried northeast area for nil, this morning i tried green and wellington point, was flat as a tack but very very quite, only 2 little boats in close at wello and i had green all to myself, was strange as not one boat come through the channell between green and st helena, used 6lb braid to cast further from boat in clear water but it didnt make a difference, got 1 squire out of the blue going 36cm and 1 at 20cm, was not even turtle activity at green as you normally see heaps, im thinking we need a big southerly or northerly and some rain as its a case of nobody home at these spots this week and im thinking that will do me for snapper till near summer, going to chase some tasty flathead next week on 1 kg crystal fireline...cheers.