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Thread: any whiting?

  1. #1

    any whiting?

    Just wondering if anyone has fished for whiting in the bay recently....i feel bad for neglecting my boat while the tailor have been on down the coast and i am therefore looking to head to the sadhills if there is anything about. any info much appreciated


  2. #2

    Re: any whiting?

    see my report of 7 days ago

  3. #3

    Re: any whiting?

    We've had a couple of trips out for winteries, but haven't found all that many. Moved around heaps both times between Schorncliffe to the mouth of the river. Grand total of about 70 from 2 trips...not a real lot for these little but yummy fishies...but you could see the bottom, as in every pebble and piece of sand in 17ft of water!! Oh...we also got a nice little squid, and a couple of flatties.

    We only had squid as bait, I recon they bite better on worms when there aren't a lot of them around so maybe try that.

    Clarry caught a couple on soft plastics LOL...our first fish on SPs (OK a bit embarrassing to admit that one ).
    Good luck
    Last edited by Chas & Clarry; 06-08-2007 at 04:05 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: any whiting?

    got 87 nice size at sandhills last week. tanga side of blue hole, in about 25ft water. got to continually drift on to a patch, then drift back over.


  5. #5

    Re: any whiting?

    Was told that the sandhills was really turning them on over last 2 weeks, also sadly a certain ethnic group was into them day after day loading up. ( yes its leagal)

  6. #6

    Re: any whiting?

    The sooner we get a bag limit on them the more likely you will be able to grab a feed when ever you want. 30 or so of reasonable quality for each fisher is plenty for a feed in my opinion
    Last edited by Horse; 06-08-2007 at 06:39 PM.
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  7. #7

    Re: any whiting?

    there were 2 of us. U need at least that many to get a feed. Limit on winter whiting? u got to be kidding. got to catch 20 just to get 1 good feed.

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