I was talking to my local tackle shop bloke on Monday and he told me in the US there is a 1% or 2% tax put on all boating and fishing products sold. These taxes are used to put back to the fishing community by the way of fish stocking, boat ramps, arti reefs etc etc (the things we would all like to see more of).
I thought to myself that would be a far better option than Rec fishing licences as everyone that bought anything to do with fishing or boating would be paying their way towards keeping our fisheries the best in the world and keeping the best facilities towards it. Think about the amount of money that would be raised that could be put to good use. Grant's to stockng groups, new boat ramps and car parks, grants for atri reefs. The possibilities would be near on endles and 1 or 2 % would not be missed. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Cheers Chris