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Triple hook in a pilchard?
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Thread: Triple hook in a pilchard?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member Big G's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Thumbs up Triple hook in a pilchard?

    The triple hooks that are used on lures apear to be very effective. Once a fish is hooked on a lure with triple hooks they seldom get off....well at least less than with ordinary hooks.... even less losses than gangs.
    I started using triples with pilchards and have had great success. Have any others tried them with whole pillies.

    Big G.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member Big G's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    may be I have not explained it I offer you some directions.
    if you select a suitable triple hook that neatly covers the head of the pilly and
    put the shank of the hook down its throat... that is how it will be when you make this fitting tool.... and you can rebait as quick as with gangs.

    How to use triple hooks with bait.

    It seems that not many of you have used triples on a whole pilchard bait……
    Yea I guess until I was shown how a few years ago I had no idea how you could use a triple hook and cast the bait without sending it 50meters on its own.

    If anyone is interested I could show you how…..first you need a wire coat hanger.
    ….and you thought they were only good for breaking into locked cars.

    Take a 200mm straight length of coat hanger stiff wire and grind a sharp point on one end and on the other end bend a small return hook…say 5mm back against the length of wire.
    Make the gap in the hook about the same width as the wire in the swivel you have chosen. Tap this wire hook down to give the wire hook the smallest diameter as possible. When the hook is finished I carefully reduce its overall size on a bench grinder to as small as diameter as practical. That is your fitting tool completed. I always make a couple so as to have a spare.

    At the end of your main line add a small clip swivel. You could use a sinker above the clip swivel if the current is strong and you wish to sink your bait a little. (Perfect for tailor, mackerel and even snapper in shallow water.)

    Choose a trace line to your liking, say 10 to 20kg about 850mm long. Secure the small swivel you chose to suit the gap in the hook tool to one end of the trace and secure the triple hook to the other end of the trace. Be neat and tidy with your knots and trim all overhang off.

    Now you pick up a pilchard and decide what end you want the hook. If you prefer the hook at the head end clip the coat hanger wire hook onto the small swivel on your trace and proceed to push the wire pointed end down the full length of the bait.( in the mouth and follow the backbone coming out at the tail. Pull the wire followed by the trace all the way through until the triple is fitted snugly around the face of the bait.

    Now just clip the swivel end on the clip swivel on the main line. And bobs your uncle.

    Big G.
    ( see word doc for rough drawing.)

  3. #3

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    Sounds awesome. Don't suppose you can take some photos of the end product? am having a little trouble visualisng it properly...

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Big G's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    hi T Aken,
    It is very effective as the trace runs through the bait coming out at the tail and the triple hook is only showing the 3 curved hooks coming out of the baits mouth wrapping around its face......3 very exposed barbs yet blended in with the shape of the bait....and of course you can pass it through the opposite way and the trace is coming out through the mouth with 1 barb of the triple stuck through the tail and the 2 others barbs of the triple fully exposed.

    works well both ways. You just change to suit which way the fish are taking the bait.
    I don't have my camera at home but I will attempt to take some photo's for you tomorrow and post them.

    Big G

  5. #5

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    I use trebles when chasing pearlies. just stick a bit of cuttle head or mullet onto two hooks of the treble and enjoy... very good hook up rate on the bucket mouths



  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member Big G's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    Hi, trueblue...thats sounds perfect for pearlies.
    I took a few pics to try and demonstrate the method.
    hope this helps "username taken"

    Big G

  7. #7

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    That's perfect!! now I know exactly what you mean ... cheers!

  8. #8

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    Just like one of those baited squid jigs - only with mono to hook instead of solid metal.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member Big G's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Triple hook in a pilchard?

    Hi sea dog,
    your right and today I was in the bay fishing in a mates boat and I had a floater out while fishing using this rig and I caught a good size squid who took the pilchard head first and could not get off the triple hook........lifted him straight in, no net....had him for dinner.

    Big G.

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