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South-port sand pumping jetty
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Thread: South-port sand pumping jetty

  1. #1

    South-port sand pumping jetty

    Had my first crack at the jetty this morning, got th/Users/kyliepennington/Desktop/DSC06456.JPGere just on 5am, only about 10 blokes scattered all the way down, could see a nice big gutter stretching all the way from the jetty down to surfers but not much tailor in it, came up a dud (well for me anyway) was trying the ganged pillie treatment to no avail but the bream rod grabbed 2 beauties from underneath, both went 28cm and also got this thing I never caught before, a bloke rekons it was a small skipjack that went 25cm, im hungry so im gonna eat it anyway, the bream too for lunch I think!!!
    , the jetty was ok, will give it another go for sure, could see ton's of fish once the sun came up but they didnt seem that hungry....."shuck's"


  2. #2

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    First light and last light on the jetty at this time of year should be busy. By 7pm you will have to contend with hundereds of flying gang hooks. Tailor come in waves and when they are's very busy. I have caught heaps of tailor at night but not much at all in the mornings. The second light post from the end fishing towards surfers has been the most productive spot for me. Early mornings and night sometimes bring on the scad (yellowtail).

    Happy fishing

  3. #3

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Quote Originally Posted by kingkev View Post
    First light and last light on the jetty at this time of year should be busy. By 7pm you will have to contend with hundereds of flying gang hooks. Tailor come in waves and when they are's very busy. I have caught heaps of tailor at night but not much at all in the mornings. The second light post from the end fishing towards surfers has been the most productive spot for me. Early mornings and night sometimes bring on the scad (yellowtail).

    Happy fishing
    G-day kev.... Thank's for the advice!!! These scad fish your talkig of(yellowtail) do they have a big yellow stripe going from the tail wedge all they way along the side of there body to just behind the head, coz this is the type of fish I caught yesterday morning there... and yes you are right.... there was no tailor activity from anyone on the jetty that morning, its easy to see who's busy or not on that jetty coz the fisho's either lean against the rails or are bothering with thier fish wriggling all about the place. The bloke at the kiosk was saying on friday night there would have been a good 250 guy's on the jetty, after reading you reply I would have to say he was right too!!


  4. #4

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Quote Originally Posted by kingkev View Post
    First light and last light on the jetty at this time of year should be busy. By 7pm you will have to contend with hundereds of flying gang hooks. Tailor come in waves and when they are's very busy. I have caught heaps of tailor at night but not much at all in the mornings. The second light post from the end fishing towards surfers has been the most productive spot for me. Early mornings and night sometimes bring on the scad (yellowtail).

    Happy fishing
    G'day Mate, thats statement is true for me too but the funny thing is I have always caught quanties at night but I have caught all my biggest tailor in the mornings just on sunrise go figure.
    Cheers TT
    Children zoloft

  5. #5

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    I am not too sure what you caught. Check this site for yellowtail scad.
    Sometimes we would see Islanders butterflying these fish open and then sprinkling with salt and eating them there and then on the jetty. I have actually filleted the buggers and skinned them. I then dipped them into a small container of soy sauce I carried with me and that made for a very good SASHIMI snack.

    The Vietnamese tend to gather on that jetty in hoards. The one night I caught about 18 keepers in an hour and sat around waiting for the next wave of tailor to hit because I just had,nt had enough. I ended up selling about 10 of them for $2.50 each to some Vietnamese guy that must have promised a someone some Tailor. We fished side by side. He stuggled a bit because he threw in and left it there. I heaved the pilly in as far as I could and then slowly retrieved it back. Tailor love a moving bait.


    enjoy the yakkas (yellowtail scads)

  6. #6

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Quote Originally Posted by kingkev View Post
    I am not too sure what you caught. Check this site for yellowtail scad.
    Sometimes we would see Islanders butterflying these fish open and then sprinkling with salt and eating them there and then on the jetty. I have actually filleted the buggers and skinned them. I then dipped them into a small container of soy sauce I carried with me and that made for a very good SASHIMI snack.

    The Vietnamese tend to gather on that jetty in hoards. The one night I caught about 18 keepers in an hour and sat around waiting for the next wave of tailor to hit because I just had,nt had enough. I ended up selling about 10 of them for $2.50 each to some Vietnamese guy that must have promised a someone some Tailor. We fished side by side. He stuggled a bit because he threw in and left it there. I heaved the pilly in as far as I could and then slowly retrieved it back. Tailor love a moving bait.


    enjoy the yakkas (yellowtail scads)
    I checked out the site you posted kev and the scad you mentioned comes very close, only mine had the yellow stripe going all the way down to the head, it had very small tiny scales almost a smooth oily skin, its flesh was a redish colour, I also have a tongan mate from work who likes to cut up tailor then + there as soon as he gets them and slice off the flesh and EAT IT RAW , "sheesh" I tell him, thats a bit much for me,. Me myself im a lazy fisho, I like to bait up + leave it there too, I have caught tailor in the past like this but they were few + far between, From now on it's bait up the bream rod and leave it + cast and retrieve the pillies, but retrive slowly...right???Also do you use lots of lead in the cast + retrieve or just a small amount to get some distance, the pillies tend to act as a sail in the air at times and dont seem to go far without the sinker!!!


  7. #7

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    When the tailor are on the bite, if your pilly hits the bottom it means its already been stolen. This does happen all that often though. I did not find weight an issue............the main thing was getting it out as far as possible and then a SLOW (VERY SLOW) retrieve. 5 out of 10 times you might only get hit 10 metres away from you but you get to cover more ground anyway.

    I think what you caught was a scad. Yes they are oily and have lots of blood. You should do what I did and eat it steak from the sea.

    My wife is Japanese so eating sashimi (raw fish) is always on the cards if we can catch it ourselves. We are reluctant to buy fish(Tuna) and eat it raw only because we are not sure how fresh it actually is. Fresh is best mate

    give it a go. Up here in Townsville I am yet to find any scad............I have however seen some horse mackeral being caught and they are similar. I really miss catching yellowtail and would certainly eat it (raw with some sake and soy)before using it as live bait.

    Happy catching
    Last edited by kingkev; 06-08-2007 at 03:55 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Good on ya kev!!! I can almost see myself pulling in the choppers now, Your advice is greatly appreciated,,,,um,,,,still a bit unsure about eating it raw but????
    My next day off is thur's and ive seen the high tide will be about 1.90mtrs @ 6 am,,, so im guessing im gonna get to the jetty about i'll take it from there. It gets a bit hard to juggle all of life's challenge's (mrs,kid's,work,mrs @ work etc) thats why im sort of destined to the early morning fishing but believe me i'd love to give the dusk fishing a shot, i'll have to plan it carefully to co-incide with a picnic bbq at the beach or somthing silly like that,,,,,, poor bloke eh!!!!
    wish me luck


  9. #9

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Good luck mate

    put a report up and whatever you not eat TAILOR good raw

    yellow tail or tuna, mackeral etc more than ok


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Ive always thought about trying the jetty, but once you have caught a fish how do you land it without snapping your line? I was fishing narrowneck last week and got busted off a couple of times on 12 kg line, so im guessing you would have to use very heavy line off the jetty for tailor? I might give it a go tho, because my casting skills leave my bait rather close to shore, and without waders.. winter fishing is not much fun !

  11. #11

    Re: South-port sand pumping jetty

    Quote Originally Posted by Robsie View Post
    Ive always thought about trying the jetty, but once you have caught a fish how do you land it without snapping your line? I was fishing narrowneck last week and got busted off a couple of times on 12 kg line, so im guessing you would have to use very heavy line off the jetty for tailor? I might give it a go tho, because my casting skills leave my bait rather close to shore, and without waders.. winter fishing is not much fun !
    G-day robsie,,,, the tailor ive caught were on 11kg line (25Lb) And that was not too much trouble,,,, to me 12kg sounds plenty,,, getting busted off at that strength should mean you had some sort of WHOPPER CHOPPER on the end, The only advice I can give would be try and be a bit sporty and play the fish for a bit, maybe try and get him in gradually rather than trying to get them in asap. the jetty is the same you just gotta wind them up in the air for 5-6 mtrs or so to get them over the rail once youve got them to the jetty.
    Hope this helps.


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