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Thread: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

  1. #1

    Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    G'day fellas,

    Just wondering if anyone has been getting any nice squire from Cooks Rocks lately?? Used to be a good spot last yr for lots of 40-50cm squire.


  2. #2

    Re: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    I havnt had luck there lately but I have heard others have.
    Harmed By Nexium

  3. #3

    Re: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    Have gotten some small squire under the bridge but thats all
    Where is Cooks Rocks?
    Why work? Because no one will pay me to fish ...Yet...

  4. #4

    Re: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    could you give us directions how to get there from ningi boat ramp. have heard about the place but never bin from the country and just trying to learn a few spots

  5. #5

    Re: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    Cook's rocks is outside the southern end of bribie passage hading towards Caboolture river mouth. If you go there from the passage you need to go about 1 mile wide of the shore and come back at it from the southeast to avoid the sandbanks. Be wary of shallow waters with rocks it is a real prop eater if you are careless.
    There is a green marker near the rocks you can use to locate it. It is out from Pebble Beach area basically.


  6. #6

    Re: Cook's Rocks Bribie?

    Cooks rocks is marked in the beacon to beacon.

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