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garmin chartplotters
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Thread: garmin chartplotters

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    garmin chartplotters

    Have been surfing the net these last few weeks and found a few chartplotters that are not too bad in the garmain range.

    Is there a different in chartplotters between US and Australia. Waas , egnos. etc.

    The australian garmin site only has a few chartplotters while the us site has heaps????

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Re: garmin chartplotters


    have a look here, according to the site waas does not work in australia.


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Great question Tim.

    Can I add some more for the experts.
    The Garmin 172C GPSMap looks like a great unit for the price but will it work here?
    Is the built-in World map sufficient or would you need to put a card in it?
    What cards could you use?
    You can get them direct form the US for USD $440 + freight or $990 here.

  4. #4

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Howdy gents,

    The 172 is a good little unit. However a chartplotter isn't really a chartplotter till you stick a map in it. The built in maps are great but the unit is still only a gps till you whack a card in it.

    The 172 is now a discontinued line in the states (so is the 292 and 298 for that matter) However, back to the story! there are three levels of charting in the garmin range.
    Bluechart G2 and
    Bluechart G2Vision.

    I have a sneaking suspicion the standard bluechart electronic charts will become harder to get. These charts don't have the level of detail as the G2 version and the catch with the 172 is they will not accept the G2 cards and will only run a standard bluechart.

    As the 292 is also discontinued unit if you hunt hard enough you will probably pick up the 200 series (with the added benefit of G2 compatibility for the same money).

    my two bobs worth!

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Smaks that is awesome advice.
    Roughly how much are the G2 cards?

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: garmin chartplotters

    With some of the garmin range its possible to pick up the combo units for only a one or two hundred dollars more than the stand alone chartplotter.(if purchased O/S).
    This may be worth considering for a good backup colour sounder on the boat.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    Re: garmin chartplotters


    Will running two sounders effect each other. i was thinking of 172c but now considering Standard horizon at $400 for 6inch screen

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Smaks I have answered my own question.
    The Garmin 292 external aerial is about USD $419 and the G2 Vision card for the east coast from Mackay to Eden is about USD $270. So the whole unit would be USD $700+ freight. About $800 AUD.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Quote Originally Posted by timddo View Post

    Will running two sounders effect each other. i was thinking of 172c but now considering Standard horizon at $400 for 6inch screen

    I dont know if they would effect one another.I was thinking that it would be handy if you were in my situation where I have had my unit away being fixed for 6 weeks now.For an extra hundred or so bucks I would not be in the position of missing out on all this fishing time.
    So I am ordering another sounder and will always have the combo with sounder as a backup.

    Actually I was out in another boat over the weekend that had a combo unit and a stand alone sounder and we were able to run both sounders simultaneously .No problem there!

    Last edited by disorderly; 02-08-2007 at 10:44 AM.

  10. #10

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Quote Originally Posted by timddo View Post

    Will running two sounders effect each other. i was thinking of 172c but now considering Standard horizon at $400 for 6inch screen
    If they are the same freq they will certainly interfere if on at the same time. If one was say a 200 (fairly standard freq these days) and the other a 192 then you can run them at the same time.

    Or if one was dual freq then you could run one at 200 and the other at 50!

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    Re: garmin chartplotters

    i was thinking garmin, but since it's a discontinued product, i mite stick with standard horizon. Seems too look good and it's not too expensive. I have got a furuno 620 waiting to get installed at home.

    The airmar transducer is huge 3x the size of a hummingbird????

  12. #12

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Guys, that G2 chart shouldn't set you back that much US. The ones for all of Aussie are only $250 aus. You should be able to get a 298C with G2 for around the $1000 so a 292 should be a little less. I will get onto Kev Mc and find out how much and where from.

  13. #13

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    the G2 vision costs more like 400 oz and isnt compatible with the 200 series you need to get the newer 400 or 500 series plotters to run the mapping properly. if you want to go a bigger screen with garmin gear then be ready to pay double the price of the standard horizon.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: garmin chartplotters

    I bought a brand new Garmin 298 Sounder/gps and it already has screwed up on me. Kept turning itself off on the water, got the guys to check the wiring, still turns off. So the shop sent it out for repairs or replacement, but seeing as though the 298 is a discontinued product, who knows what ill get if it needs replacement.

    Cheers Johno

  15. #15

    Re: garmin chartplotters

    Death ship is on the ball - the g2 for all of OZ should be around $250 or a bit less and the G2 Vision cards for east or west coast should be around $420

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