Met up with my brother at Wynum ramp after work on Friday arvo and after netting some mullet in the marina we heading out to Mud for a overnighter. Made it to eastern side just on dark, but apart from a visit by the water police the first hour or so was uneventfull. We decided to make a move and attempt some drifts along the western side and after a while without so much as a bite we both began naming the reasons why tonight was not going to be any good, "to fuller moon, to slower current (no run no fun), to clear of water and everybodys 2 favourite excuses for everything "the drought" and "the price of petrol". Suddenly my rod sprung to life and changed shape to a pleasing bend, but due to a dodgy drag the line snapped and i must say so did I (I apoligise 4 my language to any other boats within a 10 mile radius of Mud that night) to frustrate me even more, it was only a matter of minutes b4 my brothers rod doulbled over and that sweet sound of a screamin drag could be heard and after a good fight a beautiful 79cm (6kg) Snapper was laying exhausted beside the boat, with my hand moving towards the gaff i heard the words "dont you even bloody think about it, us the net !!. Some how i dont think he trusts my gaffing ability. With fish in boat there was high 5s all round and the spot was quickly entered into our new GPS and a drift was set up over the same spot. not long into the new drift i got a serious case of deja vu with my rod again taking off and the drag again failing causing the hook to pull (don't worry i am now the proud owner of a new reel). while i was re - rigging my line my brothers rod again took off with the drag screaming and the fish not showing any sign of slowing. After another great fight a 81cm Snapper emerged (its a beutiful thing watching a fish of that size emerge from the deep in the moon light). We continued to fish until 6:30 the next morning but didn't get much apart from a few more undersize squire and a couple of grinners. Both fish were caught on the turn of the high tide using unweighted butterflyed mullet in 11m of water.