G'day all, well some days the fish play and some days they don't. I guess I picked the wrong places to look for them this morning but I was treated to a pretty spectacular sunrise which made me think that there was no better place to be at 6am. After giving Wello a bit of a go and boating half the nursery and releasing them I decided to look for new ground and adventure out a bit once the chop flattened out a bit. At that moment I get a phone call from Aigutso (Mike) who let me know that he was also on the water in his new boat. It was decided to meet up at Peel Island for a bit of a social fish. Nice tinny Mike. I'm envious.We drifted over some structure and all I landed was a small grass sweetlip also returned. Eager to at least keep something for the table I said goodbye and headed back toward Wello. Managed a couple of legal squire for the table but they were nothing to brag about so no pictures were taken. Thought I would share the sunrise however and a pic of Mike and Bec in their pride and joy.