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Thread: Borumba dam, Red claw

  1. #1

    Borumba dam, Red claw

    Heard there are red claw in Borumba and would like to get a few. What traps would one recomend and what bait and where to set them. Also leagal requirments.


  2. #2

    Re: Borumba dam, Red claw

    Hey mate
    Believe it or not but one of the best ways to catch redclaw is with fruit especially rockmelon. Let it sit for a day or two before using.Guaranteed! Ive never tried for any in borumba though?

  3. #3

    Re: Borumba dam, Red claw

    redclaw seem hard to catch with the dam level down at the moment, try the fruit it works. if they are about. pleanty of bass a month ago.


  4. #4

    Re: Borumba dam, Red claw

    Boiled spuds can work as well, might get you a few shrimp as well.

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