Hi Guys just thought I would remind you guys how effective dredging the shallow reefs are at this time of year . I went out today with a mate of mine and we got areal mixed species list happening all on Fly
the list was
All on fly in one day - all you need is a fast sinking line , we were using Scientific angler wet tip express lines , but you could make your own shooting head setup very cheaply , then just use a sinking fly , most of these fish were caught on clousers , it doesn't get any simplar
- Kingfish
- Squire
- Queenfish
- Tailor
- GT's
- Big Eye's
- Bludger Trevally
- School Mackeral
- Dart
If your after a feed there are by far more effective methods to catch fish, but if your up for the challenge on that rod you always bring on the boat but never use , go the fly . Just leave your other gear at home one day you will be suprised!!