Hey all I had a few hours to kill after awaking today,after laying a slab under my house for the past 2 days some r&r was called for so off to Redcliffe to do a bit of a recon , my sounder played up last time I went out so the clear water was very helpful in locating some structure" and clear it was" the photo was taken with my phone camera at a depth of 3meters and could still see clearly at 4.2 meters.
As for the fishing I couldnt get a plastic to the bottom b4 the pike had done a smash and grab on it ,so I just nailed 10 of these for the bait freezer and kept finding more structure for future trips,all up a great day to be on the water,bugger all swell or wind ,didnt even have to use the pick to stay held,my bait rod didnt get a look at for the fews hours I was relaxing, and half got my sounder sorted out,it keeps going into simulation mode,that got me very excited whilst I was at Mud last week for the 2nd time in my life,motoring along and up came a 10 meter drop off full of arches,knew something was wrong after throwing out the anchor and it stopped after 3 meters of rope went over the side.Cheers Snas