I'm with Kerry on this onethe boat can take a 90 but will it be a better boat? There seems to be a growing obsession with more power these days and i reckon it killing alot of boat performance( i'm not talking about top speed)
My southwind 5.2 longboat had a 80hp motor on it when i brought it, but if i ever repowered it ,it was getting a 60. I know bill corten had at one time a 225 on reel affair but has dropped back to a 175( i think) and his boat lives in the south passage bar( anyone that tell you extra hp over normal power in a bar helps is a fool and has done little bar work)
I had the use of a 6m seafarer for years it had a 200hdpi on the back and went like crazy (100km per hr on the gps) i since spent time on another 6m seafarer it's got a 150 on the back and is a much better boat but does not have the top speed ( how ofter can you go 100km/perhr offshore)
Imho it's all about balance and if you put to big a donk on a boat it's weight in a bad spot and you will compromise other feature of your vessel. just think of fishing rods , your always after a balanced set-up no good putting a 6500 sized reel on you 1-2kg bream outfit![]()