Is crab pot theft a problem? If so would you buy a anti theft device if one were available. And how much would you be willing to pay for one to protect your pot from theives and raiders.
Also how long would one usually leave a pot unattended for.
Is crab pot theft a problem? If so would you buy a anti theft device if one were available. And how much would you be willing to pay for one to protect your pot from theives and raiders.
Also how long would one usually leave a pot unattended for.
Last edited by kind_cir; 25-07-2007 at 05:27 PM.
Crab pot theft and raiding is as common as the common cold everyone will get hit once or twice a yr at the minimum.
As for anti-theft I would buy the right sort of anti-theft device that has good merit.
Best security is to keep them within sight and be prepared to chase down the first bugger reaching for your float.
I leave my "pots" is for an hour minimum, Dillies and suicides i give them 30 minute intervals after an initial hour sit.
yep....nothing more to say other then yep![]()
I intend on living far so good
Thanks, thats the sort of info I am after.
I have an Idea and it will work, I now just have to work out how I will get it to work the way I want.
Ok I'll let the cat out of the bag.
One way I know to stop raiding and theft is to sink the pot with no float and mark the pos on GPS. then you have to come back and find the thing and drag an old pick to retrieve it.
What if you had a device that would lock your float and maybe the rope to the pot. And lets say it will release the float/rope at a pre set time say in 1 hour or the time you nominate or set the timer for. Then all you would have to do is to go back to the same location you put the pot and wait a few seconds for the float to release from the pot and float to the surface. Thats asuming you arrived early to pick up the pot. If however you returned a bit late the float would only be visable for a short period lesening the chance a F$%#@ would get their hands on it.
Do you's think this might just work.
Ps: I claim this idea as my property.
Very interesting idea Hope you get it to work and off the ground. Could be a real hot item
noboat, I get where your coming from & it sounds like a ripper of an idea. maybe a device that will release only once your 'remote' is overhead therefore eliminating any premature release (cum to think of it, that's sounds all to familiar). It has merit, although now the cat's out of the bag that 'ps' won't cover you I'm afraid. good luck with it though.
c'mon, take the bait....
Yeah, sounds like a ripper idea in theory noboat.
However, I do believe you should have letf the cat in the bag mate!!
Good luck with it.
It would want to be a heavy pot though to stop the submerged float making it buoyant enough to float away.
No Boat that is a fantastic idea very simple and effective, Personally if it were passed by the" powers to be" I would definatly use them. I think you would make a mint out of the idea(If you want a partner to toss some ideas around pick me
But as I understand it atm the reason you have to have a float is so fisheries can check your details if they approach you whilst checking them and to make sure the pots used are not of an illeagle design ie: size and amount of inlets.
If I,m wrong on this I'm sure it will be corrected.
If you go ahead with this great idea I wish you luck in getting that law changed, Imagine being able to cruise up a channel on a Saturday morning and not have to dodge the pots that are being set right in the middle,reduced damage to motors,and of course drasticaly reduced pot thieft.
Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
pee on it and walk away.
or a very small float attached to strong thin cable? or both.
It sounds like a good idea to prevent problems of the human kind.
To stop pots being wrecked by old man crocodilius will be a more difficult task.
I also have to agree I dont think a ps will stand up if someone tries to patent your idea,noboat.You had better get working and come up with a prototype before someone else steals your thunder.
I like you ideas and yes, you should have left the cat in the bag... and maybe in the crabpot
The timer idea is good, but a remote is even better.
Time to start making a prototype!
Good idea noboat, Check the patents out there first tho. A guy three yrs ago in the ABC's New Inventors show had a very similar device for boat moorings that was remote controlled from the boat. Hit the button and the float would appear.
One of my mates that invented a thing currently on the market called a Hookeze that allows kids to tie hooks on saftley, once told me a thing about interlectual property. And I have taken such measures outside this forum to protect it.
As for the Fiseries, I also have a way round that.
And for the float making the pot too buoyant, It would have to be a rather large float.
Remote Idea is good, but too many things to go wrong and not as fail safe as a good ol mechanical unit.
Am in the process at the moment of making a prototype, Just having a little trouble locating a few pieces.
There is one other way I could make it all happen and would be cheaper, but would be a fixed time and not user adjustable.
Pro offshore traps etc use timed and remote float releases on their gear
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