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Thread: ultra light rods

  1. #1

    ultra light rods

    has any one got info on guide spcaing and sizes for ultra light to liht 5'6" to 6' rods, fuji guides.

  2. #2

    Re: ultra light rods

    This may give you an idea...but may not also
    look under general info.
    Cheers Scott
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: ultra light rods

    it will depend on things like reel size and position, line typed and guide size, but Fuji japans baseline new concept guide for a 5'6" spin rod is as follows

    7 guides (20-12-8 TATSG 6-5.5-5-5 TLSG) spacing from stripper to tip (cm) 23-20 14.5-13-11-9-8

    to my ind that is too many guides, for such a short rod you should be able to get away with 1 maybe 2 less guides...hope that helps cheers

  4. #4

    Re: ultra light rods

    cheers guys, yeh i was useing info from fuji to get a rough idea but i just wanted to see what else there was or what others are useing

  5. #5

    Re: ultra light rods

    Placing the guides in a rough configuration and then loading the rod up (using the reel your going to use) works well for me (ta Stuart .
    It's amasing what a difference moving a guide by 10mm will make or by putting one more in.
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #6

    Re: ultra light rods

    You need to do a static guide placement test. Load the blank up from the tip, with the line attached to the tip. Pass line from your reel through the guides with a very lightweight on the end just to keep straight, then adjust the guide positions based on the curve of the line compared to the curve of the blank - works VERY well, especially when combined with the Fuji Concept.

    5'6" blank I'd run 7 (maybe 6 depending on the blank) guides plus tip, probably 20 or 16 stripper, then 10 then 8 then all 6's to and including the tip. Once you have put the guides on with tape, test cast and make sure the stripper and choke guides are located right. You'll hear and feel when the guides are correctly or incorrectly placed. I'll test cast up to an hour playing around with the placement of chokes, watching the line movement off the spool etc etc (oh yeah, test using the reel you intend to use with the rod!)

    Good Luck!

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