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Boat damage
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Thread: Boat damage

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Boat damage

    Hi everyone
    Not sure if this post is within the rules -- but I am sure a moderator will take care of it if it is not.

    I had my boat parked down the Pin recently and had it damaged by the extreme wake of the Abel Tasman 2. The wake was over 1 1/2 m high and threw my boat into a wall -- $3000 damage. Two other smaller tinnies were swamped.

    The Abel Tasman 2 is a large motor cat ( around 20m) and was doing about 20knts in Canipa passage ( near the two red beacons up from Duck Ck).

    I contacted the water police but they would only record it as a complaint and take no action as no one was injured. I faxed an incident report to Marine Safety Queensland but have heard nothing back.

    What I after is the rego number of the Abel Tasman 2, her usual mooring and the owners name and contacts if possible -- at least then i may have a chance of keeping my excess and no claim bonus -- besides what he did was bloody dangerous -- if a child or elderly person (or anyone) had been in the boat they could have been seriously injured.

    Last edited by shandos; 23-07-2007 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Boat damage

    hey shandos
    wish i could help. those type of people in their big castle on water think they own it. They piss me of no end.
    Thats the trouble down there and all over the pin. Narrow gutted channels and boats going flat strap in both directions.
    I really hope u get his number. Shame u wont be able to do anything. U will see him again mate, then stick it to him


  3. #3

    Re: Boat damage


    I'm not sure of the boat, but the first thing you may want to do is call every marna in the area, they may have a database?

    If thats no good, you then have every private mooring to check.... good luck with that.


  4. #4

    Re: Boat damage

    Shandos , The boat you seek is moored in Southport.

    Details are as follows
    Ship Name

    Ship name , ,,,,,, ON ,,,,,, ,,,,,length ,,,,, , built , ,,,, Home port
    Abel Tasman 2 ,,,857301,,,,, 23.3 m ,,,,,,,,1991 ,,,,,Southport.

    Last edited by Crestcutter; 23-07-2007 at 06:33 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Boat damage

    G'day Shandos,

    I would be trying the VMR coastguard as being a large vessel It would have got itself a name in the area and if they have any chartering taking place on it they would more than likely log in and out for charters.

    The guys at the VMR have vast amounts of knowlege of who where and what goes on.


  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Boat damage

    I am 100% sure the vessel you are asking about was sold around 4 weeks ago and was being delivered to Mackay for new owners. I actually did some work on the vessel whilst it was out of the water at GCCM recently.
    I however do not have any contact details, Maybe someone around Mackay may be able to follow up with details etc or otherwise advise the insurance company the latest information and this should save the excess.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Boat damage

    Thanks for your quick reply guys -- i will follow through.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Boat damage

    Sorry to hear about the damage mate but was your boat anchored or moored properly,the boat you speak of came past us up the pin about 4 weeks ago on a monday morning,and got us by surprise and nearly knocked all our breaky of the table,but in saying that the wash it puts of is no more than the wash put off by a 40ft riv or similar,it was a silly section of water for him to be on the plane but i dont really think youll be able to get any reimbersment,best of luck though.

  9. #9

    Re: Boat damage

    you can apply to queensland transport to get the owners details , even just from the vessel name is enough if it is a registered name .

    you will have to provide a copy of the quote for damages and inform them that you have lodged the report with msq , all of that is to prove why you want the owners details and from memory it cost about $13 to get .


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Boat damage

    Thanks again everyone
    -- and bastard - the boat was moored correctly with 12 inch pvc bumpers out - the force snapped a 12mm mooring line and as i said swamped two tinnies near us - he was going way too fast for that section of water.


  11. #11

    Re: Boat damage

    yeah thats ridiculous. did anyone else report this ? If possible would be good to get in contact with the owners of the other tinnies. Did it damage your outboard much ?

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Boat damage

    One of those incidents where a few photos of him going though would be invaluable.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member Camo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Boat damage

    Shandos if your boat is insured then I would pass the details on to the insurance company and let them run with it. They would in due course have their own investigators investigate the incident. If it is not insured then you might have to spend a few bucks and get a solicitor to write a letter of demand to the owners.
    Either way I suppose it would be a long process, but three grand is a lot of damage.


  14. #14

    Re: Boat damage

    I sort of think that unless the boat was exceeding the speed limit there is bugger all you can do about it, I have seen a similar thing happen in a big Harbour when a Tug went passed, a boat on a trailer at the ramp (ready to launch) the boat was washed right off the trailer, the car half submerged and the owner knocked off his feet, the guy wrote to the Ports Authority and they gave him the old, gee thats sad, but bad luck, nothing was done illegally, the Tug was well within it's operating limits so, "stiff"

  15. #15

    Re: Boat damage

    how close was he to your moored boat. was he within the legal limit ? And what is the speed limit through that area. Is it 40 to 8m and under or everything

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