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honda outboard jet motors????
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Thread: honda outboard jet motors????

  1. #1

    Lightbulb honda outboard jet motors????

    just a quick question,,,,,, has anyone here experienced/owned/or have one

    they look like a million dollars and homework so far is all one sided with the majority of reports from the states

    my reco on the tinny is at mind,,,, want something to be a headturner but still pratical,,,, and don't worry,,, they come in a size smaller than 35hp

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. #2

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Hi Chop,

    Don't think you will find one in Aus unless someone has imported it as Honda Aus does not bring them in. OMC used to have a jet unit but I think they dropped them before they went belly up and I havent herd anything of them since.

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    giday garry,,,, i spoke to peter christian from honda this arvo,,,, he confirmed your response but according to honda's records over 100 have actually been imported in the past 3 years,,,, being a direct sale from the usa,,, australian records are scarce of information

    i have the dilema,, that with the reco on the tinny i'm restricted to 75kg of the stern,,,, in reality,,,,, 60kg

    25hp jet weighs in at 55kg,,,, manual steer/elec start

    if i throw on a pod,,,,, mmmmmmmm,,,, we're playing with 2 ideas,,,, but which ever way we venture,,,, its gunna be a headturner

    pratical,,,,, but definitely a headturner

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Fish farms down south here trialled them about 10 years back..they were Mariners 60 with the jet...They cant of been much good because we didnt hear much about them after that...

    Cheers Mick

  5. #5

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    didnt mercury do a jet aswell ?

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Yep...pretty sure at the same time as Mariner did....

    Cheers Mick

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    PS most of the larger new boats here on the farms are all jet now...Cummins deisels with Hamilton jets...


  8. #8

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????


    is the jet option primarily due to the shallow water and nets ?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Nothing to do with Shallow all to do with running over ropes...with boats...instead of having to lift an outboard 50 -100 times a bloody just drive straight over them with the jets....But..and a big have to be very careful with say 8mm or smaller rope...because if the jet intake picks a rope up then it is a pain in the arse getting them out....been there and done that many times ....and it aint no fun...

    Cheers Mick

  10. #10

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Ive got a good mad keen mate in alaska and all boats there run jet outboards nobody runs a prop cuz the rivers are stony and shallow and they only get to go fishing in the meltwaters.

    He runs a 90hp evinrude jet motor and that is equiv to putting it side by side a 60hp prop drive outboard.

    That being said there are environments in aus that would be well suited to a jet drive outboard but for general fishing its just not practical.

    Last edited by tunaticer; 20-07-2007 at 01:50 PM.

  11. #11

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????


    yeah have spent many hours untangling ski ropes from jet skis, frustrating.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Ski ropes..yeah...try pulling a whole coil ( 400) m of six mm rope out through the inspection hatch ..which your hand only just fits into....had many days with skinned knuckles and steam coming out my ears...

    Cheers Mick

  13. #13

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    The jets restrict your maneuverability at low speeds as well don't they??
    I intend on living far so good

  14. #14

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    i just got of the phone speaking to the guys at Golden Seal Marine in Mordialloc Vic,,, these guys ""use"" to sell these jets for most popular makes of outboards,,,

    theres an interesting piece of info that comes out of the F&B magazine at this website

    it also has a nifty idea for the anchor as well,,,

    the good thing (that i didn't know) about these particular jets is they bolt directly to the leg of the outboard after you've dropped the box off,,, this allows you to then revert back to prop propulsion if required at any stage in the future,,,

    fuel consumption,,,,, much the same as a jet ski,,,,,expensive,,,,,

    low water clearance,,,,,,,,100mm

    4000 rpm,,,, equals an absolute blast of fun,,,,,

    i didn't even know these things existed,,,, its just giving us another option to weigh up in the reco on the tinny

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: honda outboard jet motors????

    Yes Finga you are have to keep a few revs on them to steer...probably there worst down fall is that there is actually no neutral....with a bit of experience you are able to sort of hold them in one spot but it is very difficult..

    Cheers Mick

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