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Thread: 2 PB's in one trip

  1. #1

    2 PB's in one trip

    Hi All
    Headed out from Wide Bay Bar at around 3.00pm Sunday and made our way to the first mark. The bar was go and when we were over the outer banks it just got better. We look for fish at 2, 4, 7, 12 and 16 mile spots I had but was unable to get a show of fish/reef/bait at any of them (old marks from another GPS mite be the problem I think?)
    So we made our way out wide as the sea was good and at 8.00pm we were over a nice show with lots of bait holding over the area. Had a few drifts to get our line then over went the pick for the night. Only little pickers were getting landed so at 10.30pm I went to bed and left Noal to it. Right on midnight I was woken by the zzzzzz of Noal’s reel. I was out of the bed in record time to watch what it might be. The fish started to come up after a few short runs but the end of the rod loaded with 100lb braid did not stop thumping. After what seemed like for ever a fish could be seen in the dim light of our head lamps and when it hit the surfers we both said #~* out loud. I gaffed the red for Noal that went 12.5kg and was a new PB for him .
    We did not get another fish all night and there was no bite at dawn so we moved around and landed another red 60cm. We worked our way to the shelf and back in about 8km and found bits of reef over a 200-300m area, picking up a few parrot, gold spot and hussar. Fishing was slow and we moved a lot. At 4pm my bait of a big slab of coral bream got slammed by a good fish that was doing all the same things as Noal’s red from the night before so I was hoping for the same ending. It blue me away when it turned out to be a 10kg of the biggest snapper we had ever seen and was a PB for me by a long shot. The fish did not bit after 5pm and we pull the pin at 7.30 and come in.
    All up we come home with 23 fish. 2 of them were fish we had long dreamed of landing. 237km was coved and 166l of fuel used. What a trip!!!
    Thank you to Greg Lamprecht for the info you put on this site about your trips, it all helped.

  2. #2

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Noal's Red

  3. #3

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    nice work.

  4. #4

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Congrats on the p.b's there some cracker fish.

  5. #5

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Just the 2 PB's alone would have made the trip memorable and worth while


  6. #6

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Good stuff, love the red fish!!! PBass

  7. #7

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    well done Dwane

    nice red and to crack the 10kg on the snap is a top effort

    Cheers Murf

  8. #8

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    nice red mate
    hows that for a snapper not too many people crack the 10kg mark up here in qld
    thats a pb that will be hard to beat\

  9. #9

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Well done Guys!!!!!!!

    Good size Snapper for that area.

    Cheers Troy.

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    NICE and VERY NICE!!!!!............


  11. #11

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Yer great stuff boyz beaut snapper and red!!

    cheers dave

  12. #12

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Nice looking red Dwane. Now the old man has plenty of time on his hands we might get a few more trips done. Should organise a trip out off Fraser or up to 1770 with 2 boats.

  13. #13

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    Two best fish in the ocean well done boys

  14. #14

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    good work nice snapper loooks like he has been playing in the reef a bit to much

  15. #15

    Re: 2 PB's in one trip

    got to be happy with that cheers sid

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