Have an 1986 Johnson 60, being that it is 20 years old, is running a little rough at the moment, my mate and I are planning to give it a little tender lovin care.
just want to know if there is such a things as a perishables (service) kit that I can buy for it. Figured it would be worth replacing all the bits that wear out, is there such a thing.
Or do I have to go and buy all the bits seperatley. I've patched up some of the wires on the head that were wearing thin (want to replace them all), and the starter solenoid isn't working too well, went for a run on the weekend, and it needed a bit of percussive maintenance to encourage it to put enough current through to the starter motor.

Inside the housing is covered in oil, grease, sh!t, ect, so figured would just pull it apart and give it a good 'ol clean up.

Any advice, area's I need to pay attention to?
