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Thread: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

  1. #16

    Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    Snelli's point is valid... I rarely sit down while driving, as I need to get good long vision so as to not hit anything. In runabouts and half cabs most drivers stand. Ocean going boats need good seats.

  2. #17

    Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    Quote Originally Posted by snelly1971 View Post
    Another 35 years an I will be still going Strong...They build us Tonka Tuff down here...LOL

    Cheers Mick

    Thats what I thought 35 years ago.


  3. #18
    Ausfish Addict Splash's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    Any one have rear bench seats in their boats? If so, do they get used often?


  4. #19

    Smile Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Splash View Post
    I am curious about your stement above (rear bench seat). Can you elaborate on why your becnh seat is important to you?

    Yep - sure....

    I am almost exclusively a bait fisho. If I am anchored up, the bow will be pointing into the current. My style of fishing when anchored is usually to cast an unweighted bait (eg whole pillie) up current and a little bit out from the boat and let the bait drift down the current sinking slowly down and then it surfaces again as it reaches the down-current limit of the line that I have out. That means that the bait actually travels down and up most if not all of the water column.

    So my typical fishing experience when anchored will be to do that all day or night. It is therefore very comfortable to sit on the back seat and just keep tossing it upcurrent and retrieving it and tossing it out again over and over again.

    I do jump out of the seat when I need to fight a solid fish though.

    I actually caught the jewfish show below by fishing in this manner one night at Mud Island. Matter of fact, I was so buggered after the fight that I netted the fish and when he was secure in the net, I had to sit down for a while on the back seat to catch my breath whilst holding on to the landing net handle with him still sitting in the water. He was buggered too so it was no big deal to hold him there. I was just hoping that no sharks would pinch him and I was lucky in that regard. I hasten to mention that I am almost always a solo fisho.

    I usually stand when at the helm when underway, though.

    Last edited by charleville; 20-07-2007 at 08:42 AM.

  5. #20

    Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    I sympathise with yu guys with ailments ... I am not quite there yet, but working on it

    I like how the comment was made that the thinner seats are used due to "cost cutting"

    Cost cutting is driven by the consumer ....


    How many people approach a boat builder / trailer manufacturer / upholsterer and ask for the best of everything, no expense spared please?

    Not many....

    Normally the first question is "how much"

    A large number of the boating fraternity are driven by cheapness ... not value for money, just cheapness ... usually at the expense of quality.
    Some people's budget just wont allow it, which is fully understandable.
    On the other hand, I have worked for some very wealthy people who wouldnt replace 2 rusted screws valued at 50 cents... thats just the way some people are.

    Most people (me included) look for good value for money .... something that will last for years, but isnt made of gold, so to speak.

    The same boat could be worth 50 grand in basic trim, 75 grand in value for money trim and 100+ grand in best of everything trim.

    Then there are the minority who want the best of everything, no expense spared.
    It is not uncommon for these people to spend half the purchase price again, just in toys & luxuries...
    30 grand electronics packages, icemakers, aircon, plasma tv's etc etc etc.

    So, my point again is - each to their own ... if 75% of the market accepts the standard fitout, then majority rules.

    As I said first up .... if you want it, you can certainly have it ... just ask ... but be prepared to pay for it.


    Last edited by Grand_Marlin; 20-07-2007 at 12:46 PM.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Addict Splash's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Disappointment with Melbourne Boat Show

    Thanks Charlie. Good point. Where do u keep your ice box then?


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