l expect this Thread to start Vigorous debate ...But thats what forums are for..So lets begin...What l saw at Lake Lenthall on Sunday sickened and sadened me... Barra dead and dying ...Mostly small fish...Why ? The first real cold winter that we have had for at least five years ... maybe more and l expect more Barra to die in the cold winter mornings to follow...Other dams with stocked Barra have met with the same fate.. At .Awoonga, Monduran...no problems that l can see....Why...??? Well this is my opinion...Water depth...Shallow water.. The fish cant get to a depth that isnt affected by the sudden change in temperature...So what do we do about it ?? At Lake Lenthall stop the barra stocking program...Even with the raising of the water level the fish will never be able to reach a safe depth that is not affected by Temperature change ..This dam is to far south and to shallow to sustain a barra population..So what about.Callide.?.The water level has reached a level where we have the same senario....Three options here...Stop the stocking of barra or wait untill the dam fills before it stocked again or stock it with bass Whatever happens there its going to be a long road to recovery with the amount of fish lost..............................Let the debate begin......Trevor