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Thread: 100's of dead barra at callide?

  1. #16

    Re: 100's of dead barra at callide?

    Was out at Callide today, whilst there I was talking to the sunwater guys doing a clean up.
    They were on their third trailer load of dead barra for the day with about 150 - 200 fish in the trailer at a time.

    Let me tell you there were some very big fish in that trailer.
    The majority were about the meter mark and over with 2 massive fish that would have gone over 1.2 mt

    The guy also tpld me that the stocking group had released more fingerlings just a couple of weeks ago ??

  2. #17

    Re: 100's of dead barra at callide?

    Thats sad news bay_firey, what I don't understand is releasing fingerlings at this time, at least the stocking group should have waited till the weather is somewhat warmer, Iam reluctant to even make that statement as they do a good job for our collective enjoyment. In light of the Drought and the abnormal cold weather and some dams turning over, proberbly has thrown us a bit, A very sad situation to see such a magnificant fish belly up, better days ahead, Cheers Whitto

  3. #18

    Re: 100's of dead barra at callide?

    Sad but re-building is positive, and the cold does not seem to get the smaller fish as bad? hope for hot weather and heavy Rain.

  4. #19

    Re: 100's of dead barra at callide?

    Has it turn the corner yet

  5. #20

    Re: 100's of dead barra at callide?

    The other thing that I didn't really appreciate until i had seen it was the fact that callide could hardly be call a dam at the moment more like a puddle.
    There is not much water in the storage

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