Looking at a 485 package with this motor on, can anyone with this engine comment on the fuel economy?
Looking at a 485 package with this motor on, can anyone with this engine comment on the fuel economy?
It would be quick!!!!! if nothing else, sorry don't know much about that actual engine but for that size boat it will fly that's for sure.
Thats good, thats the intention, its main use will be skiing, just concerned it may be a tad thirsty.
I don't think fuel economy and skiing should be used in the same sentence.
Ron 173 - I have this motor on a Yaltacraft 535 fibreglass cuddy. The motor has only ten hours on it but I think I'm getting around 1k per litre at about 4000/4500 rpm.
Approx 25 litres/ hr @ 4000 rpm
They are a Great ..bullet Proof Motor Ron....we used them extensively here on the farms years ago....They are probably a little bit dated now but they are cheap appeared to others and are worth there money...
Cheers Mick
1.8k/l @ 4200 on a 5.3m Quinnie. Gets a lot thirstier at 5000+ (1.2k/l would be close).