I am currently tying up for the spring/summer surface bash on Hinze and was hoping someone might have the perfect pattern for cicadas.
Although I love tying them I am getting a little oversupplied with dahlbergs and deer hair poppers .
I am currently tying up for the spring/summer surface bash on Hinze and was hoping someone might have the perfect pattern for cicadas.
Although I love tying them I am getting a little oversupplied with dahlbergs and deer hair poppers .
Last edited by dbt8; 08-07-2007 at 06:35 PM.
Have you tried foam poppers with silly legs ?
Federation of Fly Fishers
International Certified Casting Instructor
Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers
Yep tried the foam poppers and a few variations. They work really well. For some weird reason i really prefer to tie natural fibres even when i know they are not always as effective. Anyway i am yet to find a cicada pattern that i am happy with. Even my faithful FAOL site has come up zero. Anyway the search continues.
what about John Rowes' venison Fly
its all natural i tie them in black and if I want them to float just dress the deerhair and don't use eyes , and for a slow sink rate you could add the eyes or spin bucktail instead
Federation of Fly Fishers
International Certified Casting Instructor
Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers
Thanks for that flyfisho. I love spinning deer hair. Believe it or not the first fly i ever tied was a dahlberg. Taught myself from web sites. It was an ugly bugger and eventually fell apart but it did account for a couple of fish.
In black the Rowes Venison fly looks the goods for the togasand just so happens that GAM B10s are one of my preffered hooks so i have a heap.
Have you tried superglueing dead Chicadas to a hook. The alive versions are best, but illegal.
The idea is for fly fishing, dead chica glued to hook, casts very well provided you don't whack it out to attempt 200 feet.
Uhmmmmm??? Max, not sure if that is cricket mate?
(I dont mean the garden variety of insect - was referring to sportmans like conduct and gentlemanly behaviour in the face of adversity........)
A purist may disagree with gluing a dead insect onto a hook and then claiming the trophy as "fly caught"??
The lazy and or greedy man will just not care, as long as he catches something.
The careful and or average man will check if it is legal and then do it anyway until he bags at least one fish because the sport is frustrating enough as it is....FOr the rest of the day he will revert back to a "normal" fly
My question would be, do you glue it belly down or belly up onto the hook?
Well I think anything you can cast is a fly, which in todays environment, like SWF etc, can be just a lure, which it is. I've got little metal spoons which I built for tailor.
Anyway the greatest die hard traditionalist Joe Brooks, who declared that one should ONLY use floating lines for SWF, used "Fly Rod Spoons" so why not use a dead Chicce.
Its glued belly to the top of the hook shank, legs to the bottom and it better if you roll cast it. Not designed for long distance chucks. Use a very light hook.
Another Bass lure is a mouse, a foam version of the critter, or if you want really big bass try a water dragon "fly????". Bass eat those things.
Back in the dims of my time in Nowra I used to cast hefty surface lures into intersting holes, and let them hit the water and haul them out and put them back and then haul them out. Like two big splashes and a large gurgle on removal. Then put it back, let it sit a minute, and then give it a twitch. Gets big bass that does.
I have fond memories of Shoalhaven basses.
Feathers, fur and synthetic materials mixed with a bit of wire is what flies are made from.
Gluing insects onto hooks as still called Bait Fishing.
Clark Reid from NZ ties a beautiful deer hair cicada.
They are my favorite when fishing the North Island of NZ
There is something special about watching a cruising brown slowly swim up and sip your cicada off the surface and chew it.![]()
Last edited by Macfly; 28-02-2008 at 12:43 AM.
you could try using the bodys of the squigdy bugs and add legs and wings to it and glue it on a hook, that should work
figjam :wink: