G'day guys,
Work continues on my weave design software package.
I got it to a reasonably useable state and added such features as a proper setup/install programme and a help file. Writing software is fun (sort of).. writing help files is boring as bat sh*t
I had almost given up on this due to the almost non-existant feedback I got from all the people who downloaded it, but after some encouragement from a rodbuilder for whom I have the utmost respect that it was a worthwhile project I decided to continue developing it.
This is a design I'm working on.
I'd like to see how it turns out if an experienced hand does it. (as opposed to my amateurish efforts)
Any takers?
I'll send the weave grids and left list.
You pick the colours
170 turns x 138 thread high - 7 layers
Should turn out about 21mm high x 26mm long if all A thread or about 43mm long if you went for C on the wrap thread, so it'll have to be a largish blank to fit it on.